Now primarily a commercial site, it still offers some useful free info.
especially for general weather trends up to 30 days ahead.
UK Weather Latest : Latest update from the UK Met office via the BBC news
site, this link offers a very recent update on where it is raining, and where it
should be dry.
Weather (lightning/radar) Online : This offers a good
idea of where you'll find severe lightning storms, updates every 30mins.
Tornado and Storm Research Organisation
: A very in-depth site, independently run.
Severe weather map (Europe) The very latest met map of storms across Western
Europe. Updated every 30mins. Data from
USA radar latest :
The very latest from America, current state of the nation rainfall. Also, links
to severe weather in all 50 states.
Accuweather forecasts
: Via yahoo, this site offers much more than any site I have found yet.
Accuweather are a commercial weather company based in America. However, they
provide extensive information about the worlds weather.
*Special note here for Joe Bastardi : one of the best forecasters ever, both
funny and a real smart ass. Check out his 'long ranger' forecast, which he
updates daily and looks up to 2 weeks ahead, even longer in some cases.
USA Weather : A comprehensive in depth site, includes links to MRF and other long range
pressure forecasts.
All data provided by Unisys
British Storm Watchers Community : using the MSN communities, this is a
great new group, dedicated to bringing together like minded storm chasers across
the UK.
Weather sites central
: A great place to find a wide variety of locations covered by weather
enthusiasts. : Covering the Leicester
area, central England.