Jade Goody has been called many things since her Big
brother experience began in May 2002. She failed to win the reality
TV game show, however she did accomplish a few feats. 'Missy' is
probably more remembered by the public than any previous housemate from
any of the three BB series. Miss G. made her mark in the summer of 2002.
Despite not winning Big Brother3 she continues to be remembered as
'...that girl, you know, the one who don't know much...or says weird
Jade : the basics. Well, to put it simply, Jade claimed she was a
dental assistant - although in retrospect, many people wondered how she
could have attained this role. After all the weird things she had
been saying - her almost total lack of world knowledge, how could Jade be
able to perform in a health role ? But still, this young 21 year old from
London was 'officially' in the health profession.

Jade Goody merited an assessment during the show of BB3, and
I started a thread on the main Digital Spy
Nazi forum which turned into the
biggest running discussion they ever had, with 1751 replies and over
The Jade Goody Forum
Post which started it all off was meant to 'provoke' and I
carefully worded it so that it came off looking at least semi-academic. In
the event, with each day that jade remained in the house, public (and
especially online) interest in her increased to incredible levels.
Summary timeline of Jades Progress through the full 64 days of the show
24'th May :BB3 starts.
Jade is soon seen as a loud mouth, and looks likely to get the boot from
the show.
31'st May : Jade escapes eviction, although the public clearly wanted her
out of the show at this early stage.
As the show progresses into weeks 3-6, Jade is seen to have a 'baby' role.
She uses 'baby talk' from time to time, often after an argument. The whole
'babba' role is really quite annoying, but more than that, myself and many
others wonder - "what the hell is up with this 'woman' !". Was she
conscious of playing this role, or did she really regress back to this
baby state on national television without being aware of it. As far as I
know, I've never heard Jade be questioned about the 'babba' moments in
BB3, and it just seems likely, we never will find out what Jade's account
of those times is.
26'th July : Jade is the first to be evicted out of the
final four on the shows final night. Just 2 weeks prior to this, the Press
were pleading for the other housemates to 'kill the pig' etc, and other
such request. Jade got lucky, she made it to the final night. Final nights
on BB are about fun, not the kind of of reception that adele received a
few weeks earlier.
Jade Goody had a relatively hard time in the big brother house in
2002. Although in
the months that have passed by since then, Jade's life history does
account for a great deal of what seemed to most observers 'very odd
and sometimes deeply childlike behaviour'. Jade was essentially a child
carer for a while, when her mother lost use of an arm.
Jade Goody along with Alex Sibley have made a few hundred thousand
from their media/company deals, yet it could have gone very differently
for Jade. Had she got booted out during week 6, her reception would have
been very different. At week six the media were baying for Jades blood, it
would have been absolute hell had Jade got booted out at this time in the
show. Yet, that was indeed not to be Jade's
fate. Adele got the vicious reception, a tremendous howl of boos and fierce
remarks... the anger which was all originally built up and meant for Jade.
Our missy managed to pull it off in the very end. She managed to have
the media come around to like and almost 'respect' her. Arguably, Jade was
the most annoying and complex person ever to have been in the Big Brother
Where next for Jade ?
Well, as at time of writing, Jade is going to be a mum.
Naturally, she is going to get the tabloid media involved to cover all the
events, - how much for the first baby pic ? Any ideas ? The issue that I
can'nt help but wonder is what missy's level of 'world awareness' will be
in a decade time. Jade clearly has no idea of the world, she has spent her
whole life in some icky London borough, where she missed out on most of
her schooling - I blame her bizarre mother for Jade's lack of education.
In terms of
entertainment value, and indeed as a psychological case study, Jade Goody
was one of the most interesting people that UK television has seen
portrayed in many years.
Related Goody links...
Jade Goody
: Big Brother Superstar , fan site.
celebrity pictures : a vast database of pictures of ms. goody
(clothed, and otherwise ( Grrrr Arghhhhhh )
Jade Goody: Laughter and tears : BBC summary
Classic 'Jadisms'
Jade: "Is that
where you live?"
PJ: "Yeah, Birmingham seaside."
Jade: "Have they not got seasides in Birmingham?"
The following one was interesting, in that many people at the time really
felt from Jade that she was simply 'making up much of this nonsense to attract
phone votes''
"Do they speak Portuganese in Portugal? I thought Portugal was in Spain."
----In this
geographical classic, missy asks Spencer if he punts boats on the River
Spencer: "No, I work in Cambridge."
Jade: "I know I'm from Bermondsey and I know that's London, but
where is Cambridge?"
Spencer: "It's in East Anglia."
Jade: "Where's East Angular [sic] though? I thought that was
Personally, I do not think she was kidding about her gross lack of general
'world knowledge'. No actress could maintain such relentless an act of
ignorance and stupidity over a period of days, never mind across a number
of weeks. Jade was indeed grossly lacking even the most basic
understanding of geography. Yet, is this not typical of the current weak
and mis-directed state run UK education system ? How many more
people are there with Jade's tragic level of knowledge ? A few million
perhaps ?
#Real Audio clip on the now infamous Jade-Spencer discussion
regarding UK geography
- right click and save target as:
Geography clip
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