Week 1 (Friday 27'th May- Thursday 2'rd
Week 2 3-9 June
Week 3 10-16
Week 4 17-23
Week 5 24-30
Week 6 1-7'th July
Week 7 8-14
Week 8 15-21
Week 9 22-28
Week 10 29'th July - 5'th August
Special section: 'Kinga Night'
Week 11 Friday 6'th - Thursday 11'th August
Sat' 6'th - Beer/Pool Night Argument: Anthony vs. Craig
Friday August 12'th Final Night
Notes for Webmasters
-You are welcome to use any pictures in the Big Brother Galleries for your
own site, with one proviso.
Below each photo, use the text: "Photo: Calrissian.com" - and
hyperlink the text 'Calrissian.com' to the URL "www.calrissian.com". Never
'hotlink' pictures from these galleries, please use 'save picture as' and
save to your own server.