What a Nasty Group
Big Brother, the show of light entertainment and
harmless fun....err, what the hell has happened to it? I had long been
expecting BB6 to be a lighter version of BB5, with a more fun filled
atmosphere as was the case in BB2. It is only day'12, and I am already
finding most of this years housemates to be utterly repulsive. Even Makosi
and Kemal who initially appeared to be two of the 'worthy' contestants are
turning out to be quite disgusting. The recent incident where haft the
group actively bullied Sam is indicative of the nature of this group. They
are quite simply a pretty nasty group of people. The question is whether
viewers will tire of such a negative group of people, or if a 'star' can
be found amongst this wretched pile of filth.

Witchy has only herself to blame for her eviction
The past week
So there we were last midweek, Makosi had decided to put Craig and Mary up
for the public vote. It all appeared so clear cut, the annoying Craig
would surely get the boot, which would give Mary another chance to capture
the public's support. Surely uber bitch Craig would be booted over the far
more interesting and far deeper personality of Mary? Almost all of the
predictions from various websites agreed that Craig would soon be facing
the baying mobs outside, the voters wouldn't fail....would they?
Dumb-ass voters
Who was I trying to fool? The
UK public HATE anyone who stands out, anyone who shows anything different
than the norm. Worst still, if you're female you're treated even less
favourably. Mary got the boot in a 60/40% vote, and helped to maintain the
'first evictee is always female' rule. All things considered though, Mary
has only herself to blame for her early exit. Having been notified of her
nomination on Wednesday night, Mary seemed to spend most of the next 2
days under the duvet - which was not entirely the best way to secure the
public's appreciation. She dug her own grave, and despite the fact she was
only nominated by just one person (Saskia) in the official nomination
round, she arguably played the game poorly. To get booted out in the first
week against someone as repulsive as Craig, Mary failed dismally.
Group bullying - BB style
Ahh yes, one of the UK's favourite pastimes, whether it is in the school
playground, the workplace, or just about anywhere really, group bullying
has appeared in the BB house. We are less than 2 weeks into this series,
and already the housemates are ripping into each other as though the prize
fund is more like £500 billion, rather than the actual paltry 100k. What
price for lowering one's personal ethics on how to treat others? How much
would you need to be paid to treat others like dirt?
Lets be clear, missy Sam has done little in the house other than stroll
around in a bikini. She has giggled at seemingly even the most unfunny of
comments, yet no one deserves (aside from Craig & Lesley) to be bullied en
masse. I shall refrain from going through all the gory details of that
long night of shame. Suffice it to say that Lesley decided to initiate
haft the group into colluding with her plan to make Sam appear stupid. Sam
never did look under the mattress, and the bag didn't reappear until the
following lunchtime. Sam rightly stood up for herself against Lesley, yet
things got even worse with Anthony and Maxwell suggesting that Sam was
clearly paranoid about her claim that her stuff had been hidden by someone
in the group since they were 'all really above such things.' Hmm.

Sam, being watched by those who hid her makeup bag
Housemate Assessments - the past week
It remains early days, there is such a long way to go...but patterns in
housemate behaviour are now apparent.
Ψ Anthony: Arghhhh. Eye candy for the teenie texters, yet just what has
this little man given to us so far? Very little. He seems to lack any
depth of personality, and has yet to really show anything of who he really
is. The only time he seems to have risen above his usual semi-comatose
state, was when he was arguing with Science. His recent little sexual
light play with Makosi seems to be about as close as anyone will get to
'sex in the house' - he simply doesn't seem the type to take things
further...in front of 3-10 million people.
Anthony is a dull and moody housemate, usually strapped to the waste of
best bud Maxwell. He'll probably be around for weeks to come. Sigh.

There is more life in one of the garden gnomes
Ψ Craig: What a nasty piece
of work he is. His audition video, where he proudly pronounced 'I enjoy
destroying people's lives', it remains the only truthful thing he has said
so far in his public life.
Craig makes Jade Goody seem positively nice, which is a somewhat
disturbing realisation. His two lackeys Lesley and Vanessa will doubtless
be licking his ass until he leaves the house. With his win over Mary, the
Gloating bitch could well be around for weeks to come, although the public
at least have another chance to boot him this Friday - ironically because
of his lackey - Vanessa's direct nomination talk about Sam with Lesley.
Ψ Derek: A few people I've spoken to lately have commented how 'nice and
lovely' Derek is. He has provided some fun diary room moments - including
that near orgasmic scene of delight over the nominations. I guess I'm
still pissed that someone who likes chasing little animals for personal
pleasure, and who thinks its okay to drink and drive (whilst in his 30s -
he sure wasn't some naive teen), has a chance of winning this years BB.
Ex-housemate Mary made it clear that she felt he was a sly little bugger,
and it seems like she was indeed picking up on something that many of us
didn't at first see. With a massive 7 nominations in round'2, Derek is in
dire trouble - he is lucky that C4/Endemol are on his side ;), and changed
the rules when they saw their man in danger.
Ψ Kemal: He certainly has made an impression with most people, including
those who would like to blow him to bits - he is the one currently
receiving regular death threats (from his friendly Muslim pals ?) which
almost caused the house to be temporarily evacuated. In any case, Kemal
does have the character to last a fair while longer. He's be lost without
his Makosi though, just what would he do if she got booted?
Ψ Lesley: Queen Bitch of BB6. What an utterly nasty little cow she is. I
thought I'd seen it all with the Jungle Cats last year, but C4 have
managed to find someone who can make even the jungle cats look like soft
little kittens. Her bullying behaviour towards Sam at the weekend was
truly shameful and sickening. In fact, missy now outguns Jade Goody in the
level of utter spite and limitless bitchiness she is willing to direct to
someone. Sooner or later it will all catch up with Lesley...and then we
can take great pleasure in seeing this vindictive young woman get the
public reception she deserves. Maybe she'll go this Friday, but whenever
it is...she can be sure of........... Booooooooooooooooooo !

Lesley, BB's nastiest ever contestant ?
Ψ Makosi: Until a few nights ago my view of my African Goddess was one of
great interest and hope that this Lady might win BB. However, as some may
have seen (although C4 highlights did not show it) Makosi was very happy
to get involved with the nasty group treatment of Sam. For that alone,
I've lost a lot of respect for her. There is also the issue of just who
she really is. We have the details that she is a cardiac nurse in London,
but then there are the connections with her home country of
Zimbabwe.....and even some alleged loose tie with the Mugabe regime. Then
there is the issue of her lies in the house, one moment she is a virgin,
the next she is grinding herself against an almost bewildered Science.
Would the real Makosi please stand up, please stand up?
Ψ Maxwell: All things considered, Maxwell has been doing alright. Despite
the fact he is living right up to the stereotype of 'London Lad', this
common as muck contestant has found a very nice niche for himself. He is
doing well with Saskia, and seems to be on friendly terms with most of the
group. His only enemy as such is Science, but that is not at all a concern
for Maxwell.
Ψ Roberto: Despite mega rows with a number of housemates - in particular
Science, Roberto has had a good week in the house. His strong character
should carry him through right until final night. He just needs to be a
little more less aggravating to some of his fellow housemates.
Ψ Sam: Were it not for the sickening bullying, I would (admittedly) be
touting Sam as the 'dull one' again. Yet I'm always one for standing up
against any group of nasty bitches, and so for this week at least...Sam
gets my full support. Hopefully the UK public won't boot her out, or it'll
surely be sending a dire signal of encouragement to those that actively
sought to upset her. She has to show much more of her character, and we'll
just have to see this Friday what level of public support she actually
Ψ Saskia: An interesting lady. At first she seemed to be almost as dull as
Anthony, yet Saskia has started to really settle in house life. Her recent
'friendship' with Maxwell will do her some good in the house, although she
is clearly happy to remain mostly distinct and keep herself mostly
independent from either of the group alliances. She is strong minded, and
for that alone I'll give her some measure of respect. Some have claimed
she is nothing more than a Michelle Mk.II - but I think that's a bit harsh
on our dear Saskia ;) However, I can't see missy winning BB6, there are
far more powerful figures in the house than her.

Saskia: Only the smallest hope of winning
Ψ Science: Damn it, Science
is a real fun-less housemate. Has anyone ever seen this guy smile? He
claims to be from the Ghetto, but where ever the hell he is from, he sure
isn't happy about it. Could science become even more miserable than 'poor
side' Jonny from BB3? Do'ya get me?
Ψ Vanessa: Aka, Vacumn woman. I think miss V. ranks as one of the most
mute of all housemates. A quiet bizarre game player, just sitting there
day after day...saying so little. Oh, and what the hell is she wearing
sunglasses for in the outdoor shower whilst its raining? Bizarre. Despite
her current mute attitude, she only got 2 nominations in round'2.
Group Dynamics - Day 7-12
Things have really started to progress (or is that regress?) in the past
week. With Craig's survival, instead of Lesley mellowing out a bit and
mingling with the others, the Alliance of Filth has grown in strength.
Even more disturbing was the fact that 'best pals' Makosi and Kemal
decided to get involved in the bullying of Sam.
Current Alliances:
1. The 'best pals' Makosi and
Kemal - currently in a semi-alliance with the Filth.
2. The Alliance of Filth: Craig, still leading his 2 lackeys: Lesley and
3. The Alliance of Integrity: Roberto and Derek
4. The lads: Maxwell and Anthony
5. The Ladettes: Sam and Saskia
6. Independent/Wallpaper housemates: Science

further points of note
-Sam/Saskia, and the trio of the 'Alliance of Filth' voted exactly the
Same way
-Saskia is now quite closely alligned with Maxwell
-Science remains totally distinct within the group
Further house conflicts?
There are again 5 major direct cases of housemates voting against each
other. Sam and Saskia against both Lesley AND Derek, and Science vs.
Maxwell. So, for those people hoping for some version of Fight Night'2
(seems unlikely though), something of a 'girly fight' seems the only
possibility. Science has got into a few strops already, yet he doesn't
seem like the 'crazy type' - unless you count throwing flimsy plastic bins
as 'weapons of mass destruction'.
Nominations: Round'2
BB has done it again. Nominations have been scrapped for the second week
running. This is starting to remind me of BB5 when it wasn't until week 5
that a 'un-tinkered' round of nominations occurred and the public then
voted someone out. Vanessa is the latest excuse used by BB to 'nullify'
this round of nominations, although as any avid fan of BB will realise,
nomination chat between housemates occurs in virtually every week of BB.
The BB production team
clearly didn't get the result they wanted, and so have decided to change
the rules AGAIN. I don't blame them though. Its their show. They are the
ones creating it, they are the ones scripting it, and they clearly have
their own particular 'chosen winner' - Makosi, or maybe Derek. They'll be
doing their utmost to see that their favourite at least has a good chance
of reaching the latter stages.
Derek: 7, Sam :6 - both 'up
for the boot' - or not, due to BB changing the rules.
Saskia: 4
Lesley: 2
Vanessa: 2
Roberto, Maxwell, Science: 1
Interesting that bitchy Craig failed to get a single vote, neither did
Makosi, Kemal, or Anthony. All things considered, Derek and Sam are damn
fortunate that BB is as manipulative as it has shown itself to be.

Derek: got lucky with BB's nomination scrub.
Scanning ahead
With BB sticking all housemates up for the boot this Friday, just who the
hell should we expect the public to vote out this time? As ever, it
primarily depends on how the highlights show is edited. Since all 12 are
up, who will the editor in chief select for the negative focus ? Will the
Wednesday & Thursday night shows end with a negative portrayal of Lesley,
or will C4/Endemol go for a more balanced approach. Strike that, I take
that back. Using the word 'balanced' in the same sentence as C4/Endemol is
clearly a stupid thing to do. They've already tinkered with two sets of
nominations, and we can expect more of that intervening behaviour to come
during the remaining 9 weeks.
Who will the public vote out though? Now that we've had yet another
reminder that the UK public generally hate women, and anyone who displays
any degree of 'depth of personality', who is likely to go? Lesley would
seem a primary target of the anti-fat, bitch, commoner vote - yet who
knows! With 12 housemates up for the boot, it is damn hard to predict the
result. There could easily be a split vote between the leading 'hate
figures' of Craig, Lesley, and Vanessa, which might mean one of the middle
characters get booted. The only thing that can be said is those who are
safest - Roberto, Derek, Saskia, Anthony, and Science. Those 5 should at
least be countable as 'safe' from eviction. As for the others, its a damn
tough call to make.
Calrissian : Wondering how
long the Alliance of Filth will last.
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Originally Published © 2005 Philip
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