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The Grand Injustice The
Angels Cried, some of the crowd booed furiously, the Day'29 people refused
to take part, but still the Dark Lord triumphed. C4's 'Chosen One' won the
fourth series of Big Brother, but Camerons victory has come at an almighty cost
to the corporation. Final Week voting collapsed a massive 50% on last
year (4.3 vs 8.6 million), although viewing totals remained broadly the
same. As a result of this great Injustice many devoted fans of BB1, 2, and 3
may have probably
deserted the series for good. C4's production quality and their selection
of housemates this year have contributed to permanently tainting what was once a highly
respectable entertainment show.
Friday July 25'th was an
evening most Big Brother fans would prefer to forget. After such a
fascinating and exciting third series, the fourth season turned out to be
a truly dire outcome. The final night was something that most fans were
resigned to, with the result seemingly unavoidable. Yet when it did happen
the 'grand finale' was probably more sickening than many viewers had
dared feared. Things proceeded as most people had been expecting. The
house 'sweeper' Steph got booted first, with Ray 'Fucking wankers' Shah
just managing to beat Scott 'dynamic as wallpaper' Turner. Cameron Stout's
unjustified victory was no surprise to most viewers, but when it was
finally announced by Davina, it still sent a shiver of despair through a
few million people. Low Voting - Testament to C4's failure Since Tickle and Federico got
the boot I have been relentlessly requesting that people refrain from
voting. After the events of Day 29, C4/Endemol did not deserve a single
penny of profit from BB viewers. When the final totals were released I was
pretty much pleased with the resulting collapse in vote totals. The BB4
final failed dreadfully to motivate many viewers to vote for one of the 4
remaining possible winners. None of the 4 contestants inspired many people
to support them, least of all Steph - who has tried to appear so
2000 : 7.1 million
The Final Week in the House As expected the 'Nush' got the boot, leaving just 5 housemates to fester. Tickle did very little in the way of making things more interesting. The only noticable event was Jon's diary room rant about Cameron being a 'wet rag'. Steph Upsets Raymondo By week 2 it had become clear
to me that something was not quite 'normal' with Ms. Steph.
A few key aspects of her personality soon became apparent. First, we had
Steph's nightwear - which looked liked something you'd expect an elderly
person to be wearing. Steph herself had said she was sometimes mistaken
for a lesbian - Hmm, most of us thought. 'It's never right, its not a good thing'
"It's not about your body... It's about perversion!
Are men really interested in women who violate themselves? ...
'It isn't' about your body...
its about perversion' Jon ask Why ?, Steph replies
'...cause their genitalia are on the outside... I'm quite satisfied with
going to sleep every night...in me jim jams'. So lets get this quite
clear... Ms. Steph regards masturbation as 'violating one's body', and in
her view '...its never right... not a good thing'. Hmm, now does
that sound like a free spirited and well rounded woman of the 21'st
century ? Or does Steph sound instead like an utterly repressed and sad
woman who has probably never had an orgasm in her life.
Tickle Fails to live up to his Intentions When Jon Tickle climbed up
the staircase for the second time, his legion of Fans (including myself)
were going nuts. After a few weeks of Tickleless Big Brother, here we were
and our Tickle was Back ! Just before Jon went inside he seemed to have an
all out plan of ripping cameron to pieces. For a few hours there was real
hope for the last 2 weeks of the show. Jon's initial delight that he managed to get Cameron to talk about the 'single currency' issue seemed to totally nullify Jon's original intentions. Jon soon renounced his plans to annoy and provoke Cameron, indeed Jon was almost coming to like Cameron at times. There were just a few
occasions when Jon tried to get Cameron to discuss a few issues - although
Cameron would remain mute as ever, and such attempts by Jon were never
forcefully done. That is one drawback about Tickle, he has a great many
grand ideas, but he tends to never follow through with them.
The Day 29 Initiative The day that Jon and
Federico got booted - Day 29, was BB's darkest moment. We all knew what
was happening that evening, C4/Endemol wanted Jon out of their show no
matter what the cost. The double eviction would lead a split vote between
Fed and Jon fans, and Cameron would 'probably' survive.
BB3 was a resounding success. No matter which side of the Alex/Jade/ or Kate & Jonny camp you were on, BB3 was without doubt a highly entertaining and successful series. The fourth series of BB has put into question whether BB:UK has any future at all. There will of course be a BB5
(and a sixth), but unless much more dynamic people are chosen, and
improved standards of production, then Big Brother's days are numbered in
the UK. This would be a tragic shame since the basic format makes for
great entertainment. A point of note, between August and November the BB5
production team will be formulating their next show. They will surely be
targeting a new type of winner, a new type of contestant, new games, and
other production issues. But what about the BB5 winner, what stereotype
will win next years contest ? A black lesbian mother ? An Islamic male ?
An Asian beauty ?
Back Next Year In closing what can we say about BB4 ? Was it really as bad as many have claimed ? I believe so, and in fact strongly believe that BB4 is probably the best example in TV history in how not to produce/manage a successful franchise. As a whole the BB:UK franchise has done extraordinarily well, so perhaps we should forgive this recent failure. The thing is this, if BB5 sucks as badly as BB4, then one of the UK's most interesting reality TV shows will probably come to an end in 2005.. BB5 can only be better, right ? I shall probably be back next year, the clock is already ticking down my dear BB fans....... T-9 months and counting ;) yours
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