Mind Games
Big Brother is playing the classical role of
psychological experimenter, probing and tinkering with the little rats in
the cage. Mind games are a somewhat under-used tactic of BB, and it is
pleasing to see the housemates being messed around with this week. The
eviction of Maxwell was indeed a pleasant surprise to many viewers,
especially those who don't aspire to be a vile, dirty, and common as muck
citizen. With 'Club loaded' now comprising of just 2 members, the Makosi
alliance still dominates the group, however Makosi's alliance is starting
to implode!.

Farewell....dirty Maxwell. Booooooooooo
The past week
The days are slipping by so quickly now aren't they? With just over 4 full
weeks left to go, the psychological pressure continues to build amongst
the housemates. A few in the group are even daring to talk about 'winning
the £100,000' and all that comes with such a win. Yet an awful lot can yet
happen. Just one incident could ruin Makosi's hopes, one wrongly placed
word could alienate even more people against Derek - aka the 'Dark
Deceiver', as dear Science would say. Could Eugene somehow endear himself
to the nation, and pick up in the popularity league? There are always
possibilities for even the most unlikely housemate to win, as has been
seen time and again in previous series.
Club loaded take another
The result seemed quite likely. Both housemates and many viewers of the
show expected Maxwell would probably survive against the moody and highly
argumentative Science. Yet no ! The vote of 57/43 was reasonably clear
cut, and Science surprisingly remained in the house. I have to say, I was
so overjoyed at the result, especially considering the vile nasty stuff
that Maxwell claimed he did to Science's food. Maxwell paid the ultimate
price for his contempt, he failed to garner the support of a majority of
viewers...and duly got his stinking ass kicked.
The most entertaining aspect of the recent eviction was seeing how Craig
reacted. Yet another of his 'friends' - not that they can really be called
that, gets booted, and Craig is left dumbstruck as to just what is going
on in the 'real world'.

A true survivor: Science
BB: Mind Games
I've often suggested that BB should play psychological warfare against the
housemates. Two interesting aspects have so far occurred this week. First,
the announcement that BB would 'lie twice this week' to the housemates.
That may indeed be a lie in itself. There is no reason why BB could not
lie endlessly to housemates. Secondly, the nominations. Three housemates
now believe they are up for boot, whilst six mistakenly believe they can
relax. Haha. Its a good call by BB, one that should provide for some
interesting entertainment.
Letting the housemates make
the 'final decision'
There are indeed those who upon today's news of how this Friday's eviction
will take place are deeply pissed! Let us be clear about things. The
public are voting....yet they don't really get to decide who goes this
Friday. The housemates get the final say. Indeed, it is justifiable to
argue that this weeks vote is a semi-farce. C4/Endemol are risking a lot
of public wrath if one of the popular 'big guns' gets booted by the
housemates. Were Makosi to go - even if she only got the second highest
public votes, would that seem fair to you?
Housemate Assessments - the past week
Ψ Anthony: With the loss of Maxwell, Anthony has certainly merged far move
into the main group, although he now has Craig as his devoted Gollum.. is
quite cringe-worthy in the amount of stroking and slimy 'yes precious,
you're so great...I think you're wonderful' comments. Anthony remains
mostly wallpaper in the house, too bland, and if he does manage to make it
to the final week, he'll fail to get much support.
Ψ Craig: The vile toad...is
arguably the most interesting little housemate of the series. Despite
being up for the boot (by Makosi no least!), Craig survived and has
switched allegiance at least 3 times. A bizarre little man (or should that
be boy?) he is, the fact that he is still around is indeed quite an
achievement on his part.
Can the toad win BB6? No. His
endless bitching, and close association with both Maxwell/Saskia will
forever taint his image with viewers. He may however scrape it to the
final week, which all things considered...would be one hell of an

Craig: Continues to be stunned at his 'friends' being booted
Ψ Derek: He has found a new ally in Eugene, whom seems more than happy to
endlessly talk down about other housemates - in particular Science and
Vanessa. Derek has tried valiantly to get closer to Makosi's group in the
last week, but it just never really worked out, and he is essentially
bordering on being a loner in the house.
Ψ Eugene: I'm sure he is a fine polite nice guy, but for a reality TV show
? Hmm. I am torn in two ways about Eugene. Entertainment wise, he sucks,
he is simply too much the 'hey, lets do something fun kids!' mentality,
that I find more dull than even Vanessa. Those I have spoken to feel the
same, Eugene is too boring. It is probably that monotone voice of his that
is starting to drive not only Orlaith crazy, but also the viewers. He
can't win.
Ψ Kemal: Has had what is essentially a few days off from BB, due to his
'illness'. He does though seem to have an awful amount of energy when he
wants to move. Playing the old 'ohh look at me, I'm so innocent, weak, and
ill' card? Yet by not nominating, he is safe for another week at least. If
Makosi gets booted, whom will he turn too ?
Ψ Makosi: Still the Queen Bee of the house in most respects. With not a
single nomination in week'6, she is playing the game damn well. Makosi has
the depth of character necessary to win BB, yet with a 6 way vote this
week, Makosi could be in trouble, needing to rely upon her own housemates
to save her.
Ψ Orlaith: Missy has done her
best to get close with Makosi and Vanessa, although neither of those two
can really be called her true allies. Her endless sessions of changing
clothes and reapplying makeup have driven Derek insane, but is this vanity
going to harm her chances. She certainly is the most attractive of the
show, yet I just don't see the personality which will make people want to
vote for her to win (assuming she ever made it that far).

Clown Face? - Orlaith looking a bit scary
Ψ Science: A remarkable survivor, against Maxwell...so at least justice
was the case in the week 6 eviction. Science continues to be quirky, and
at times in the past week has again shown the occasional moment that might
help keep him in favour with the public.
However, despite his
quirkiness...if Science is one of the leading two (from the six) then he
is most probably out. D'ya get me?
Ψ Vanessa:
'Dull'. A roll of wallpaper would be more dynamic. Just what has this girl
done for the past 6 weeks, other than sleep, eat, bitch...sleep....eat
some more, bitch...eat...and then sleep? Vanessa has lately been
saying she is getting fat. Is that a surprise considering she eats double
what everyone else consumes, whilst at the same time spending most of her
time on her increasingly big ass?
Group Dynamics - Day 40-47
With Maxwell getting the boot, Club Loaded is effectively destroyed. Only
the remnants remain, and what is left is now mixing with the others. There
is no more 'Saskia and friends' in the living room, with the rest bitching
away in the bedroom. Those days are over. Anthony has found it quite easy
to talk with the other housemates again. Craig is finding it tough in
comparison, and that is indicated in the fact that he is (quite literally)
clinging to Anthony for most of his waking hours.
Current Alliances:
1. Bitches of Elstree: Makosi, Orlaith, and Vanessa
2. Club Loaded (the remnants): Anthony and Craig
3. Independent housemates: Derek & Eugene (loosely alligned), Kemal, and

'Club Loaded' ©2005 darkhawk76 (BBfans.com)
further points of note:
-'best pals' are no more, with Kemal decisively voting for Makosi
-the remnants of Club Loaded are now fading away into the main group,
although Craig won't let go of 'his precious' Anthony !
-the 'Makosi' alliance/'Game on Gang' is much smaller in number. Now that
Maxwell/Saskia have been defeated, the alliance has started to implode
-with Orlaith taking the place of Kemal as Makosi's left protective flank.
-Science: still independent of the group, but looking very vulnerable if
it comes to the HM's deciding if he stays this week
-Derek and Eugene have something of a mini-alliance, although Derek has
been increasingly associating himself with the remaining Hm's. Eugene is
somewhat of an 'easy target' as the 'boring one' for nomination rounds'8/9
In summary, we can say that because Makosi's group defeated their enemy,
and they are now inevitably starting to destroy themselves. The first
stage is already now complete, the 'best pals' have been split up. Makosi
has allowed Orlaith - whom she voted for last week (interesting to
remember), closer into her clique of 3. Will the group eventually stab
Makosi in the back? It remains a distinct possibility especially if Kemal
can manage to recruit a few housemates -Derek and Craig maybe? It would be
ironic if Makosi is defeated by the very person (Kemal) whom she has
bitched about so much these past few days.
All groups change over time, and with the level of manipulation that Big
Brother is playing this year, this group is sure to develop (or is that
regress?) in the remaining month.
Nominations: Round'7
A bizarre round indeed, with only 3 housemates bothering to vote in what
was touted as an 'optional' round. Anthony, Craig, and Kemal are thus
safe. All the other six are up for the public vote.
Why would housemates not
bother to vote? Are they really that lame as game players? After all their
efforts, it remains odd that people like Makosi would take the chance to
not nominate - even though BB told them it was going to lie just a few
hours earlier!
for the record....the votes went like this...
Anthony: Derek & Kemal
Craig: Derek & Eugene
Kemal: Science & Makosi
Kemal's vote for Makosi is quite simply shocking, although it has been
slowly building this way. Since week 3 the level of paranoia and doubt in
the 'best pals' has been increasing. Now we have Kemal formally voting
against the very person he used to cling so tightly to. Oh how things
change !

Best Pals: no more
Looking Ahead
So...BB has decided to play a major mind game with the housemates. There
are three major effects.
First, Anthony, Craig, and Kemal are now worried about being up for the
boot. It will be interesting to see how they behave over what they
perceive as maybe their remaining 4 days in the house. Second, the other
six housemate will be utterly in the wrong mindset, mistakenly thinking
they are safe, can relax, and sit back for another week. Third, there will
be the Friday vote, by the housemates, on which of the two housemates
(from the six) with the most public votes should get booted.
With six housemates - Derek,
Eugene, Orlaith, Makosi, Science, and Vanessa, up for the boot, how will
it pan out? Who might the public vote for, whom is annoying the public
enough to merit picking up the phone?
-First, we can ignore Eugene and Orlaith. Despite the fact they are
newbies - and the public don't usually like newcomers, they should be
safe. So, we're left with Derek, Makosi, Science and Vanessa. Which of
those four do the public not like most?
-Second, Vanessa remains dull, and usually that means she won't get
noticed, but I foresee her getting around 10% of the votes, but that is
not enough to be considered amongst the likely 'two'.
-Third, which of Derek, Makosi, Science might be the primary target?
There will doubtless be a pent up demand from the anti-Makosi people - so
she is definitely in the running. Derek is certainly someone who annoys
many, and the same can be said for Science. However, Science picked up 43%
of the vote against vile Maxwell - so, he ain't that popular ! Will the
anti-science crowd make another attempt to boot him out? I believe they
will. What is the mood in the nation regarding Derek? He survived against
Roberto, and that is certainly indicative that he has a character which
does please many voters.
If I had to guess which of
the three will be the 'two to choose from', I'd suggest that Makosi and
Science will be the ones with the most public votes. Yes, I'm suggesting
Makosi is in trouble. Perhaps I am wildly wrong on this assumption, but it
feels 'right'.

One by One...the housemates get booted
How will the housemates vote?
(yes, this is such a complex prediction!), assuming it is Makosi vs.
Science....I suggest... (as based on recent/long term nomination patterns)
Anthony - Science
Craig - Makosi
Derek - Science
Eugene - Science
Kemal - Makosi
Orlaith - Science
Vanessa - Science
Science would thus get booted. This would be a great shame, and I do
really hope I am wrong, yet if the two I have chosen are picked...it does
look inevitable. The only hope for the anti-Makosi public voters is that
the housemates are quietly harbouring a great deal of contempt for the
'Queen Bee' of the house, and when they see an opportunity to directly
boot her, they (including Kemal) will take it.
Of course, if the housemates do vote in view of each other - (on the
sofas?), then if a few do vote against Makosi -and she still stays, it
would be very damaging to the group. With 'Club Loaded' destroyed, the
group has its first chance to actually fully integrate and get along. Will
BB dare have housemates openly vote against each other, or will it be
privately in the diary room - just for the publics eyes?
This Friday will certainly have a dynamic effect on the group. Enjoy this
Friday's extended show, you'll miss it when its over in August !
Calrissian : in the moonlight
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Originally Published 12/7/2005 © 2005
Philip Calrissian
Last Updated :