House at War
In the scheme of things it was a minor skirmish,
something that happens in your average highstreet on a Friday and Saturday
night. Yet in the world of Big Brother, it was the fiercest and most
aggressive night which the show has ever seen during it's five year run.
BB fight night was a stunning piece of entertainment, and one that will
ricochet around BB world for years to come.

The past week in the house
Besides 'Fight Night' there were some other important events in the past
week. Nominations were scrubbed for a week, the Saturday task was
cancelled, Jason continued his pursuit of Vanessa, and Michelle
changed her strategy to a more stealth approach.
Vanessa - just say No!
Jason has been relentlessly pursuing his target of Vanessa since day'1, yet despite
his (near) hourly advances she has kept a stern distance with him. Jason would obviously
like to have an on-screen sexual relationship, but this is most certainly
not the case for Vanessa. She is indeed quite adverse to even being
kissed in view of the cameras, never mind doing anything more.
With Vanessa being evicted this Friday, poor Jason is going to find himself
even more sexually frustrated. Will Jason move onto someone else in the
house, Dan perhaps ? Is Jason really that desperate for sex, or is he
trying to increase his exposure to the media ?

Just good friends? Vanessa has consistently spurned Jason
Evil BB
The whole fake eviction concept was a masterfully evil plan by BB. I can not
think of a more crazy and manipulative scheme to pit housemate against
housemate. Yet did BB go too far, did they really not realise the possible
implications of allowing 2 housemates to watch the others for 5 days ?
The policy of waking up the housemates each morning is good. Why let them
sleep in until 2pm each day ? Dan has had particular problems with
sleeping at night, and perhaps BB is looking to push him over the edge ?
We can hope that there will at least be a few more 'impossible tasks' over
the next few Saturdays, enough to get the prize fund below £50,000. This
would at least annoy the money desperate Shell, which is always a good
thing ;)
Long days of nothing
The housemates are bored stiff. As at Day'27 almost all of the housemates
were in bed by 11pm, having completed a mid-week task, only to realise
that the reward was a collection of cardboard boxes - Jason was really
pissed at this latest insult from BB, and I can't really blame him for
feeling this way. The fact that nominations were suspended for the week,
has contributed to a pretty dull household this past week.
It would also appear that BB is now limiting severely the amount of booze
and extra food treats that the housemates get in addition to their weekly
allowance. This is not good at all, and is just going to make for dull
viewing. The BB production team are going to need to pick the show up
quickly, or viewers are going to quit watching. Having housemates go to
bed at 11pm is not exactly great late night viewing on E4 is it?
Fight Night
C4 had provided us viewers with the ultimate manipulation of the
housemates, separating Emma and Michelle from the rest of the group, and
allowing them to view the rest of the group on a 24/7 TV feed. It was
bound to cause some kind of conflict, although few - myself included, did
not envision such a conflict occurring as quickly as it did.
Highlights Gallery - click on pic for large version
Scary clown
Victor was very offensive that night |
Giving the Finger
Emma not taking any more deceit from Victor |
Getting rowdy
Jason and Victor start to attack |
The Hero Cometh
Dan doing his best to difuse the dangerous situation |
Who are you?
Stu-pid restraining Victor |
Also see:
Fight Night Gallery
Who caused the fight ? I've read an immense amount of opinion across the
many net forums, and it all depends on each viewers perceptions of how
they morally perceive each of the housemates. Those that can't stand Marco
and Emma have claimed that Jason's response to Marco's little dance was
entirely justified. Conversely, those who could never tolerate Jason or
Victor blame them for the conflict.
Personally, I see it like this. Emma's initial teasing of Jason and Victor
was really quite tame with what she could have done. If you were in her
position, and had seen 2 guys talk about you negatively, how would you
have played it when you returned ? Emma could have called a house
meeting that night, and told the group exactly what she had seen,
particularly the 'jungle cats' alliance. It is a shame she didn't take
this more adult approach, but I do understand she was not up to this level
of behaviour. Instead, she took the teasing approach, something which
Jason and Victor could not cope with.
Was Jason's response to Marco acceptable? No, and neither was Victor's
comments to Emma acceptable.
If I was in control of the show that night, I would have booted Jason and
Victor for threatening behaviour, and would have returned Emma late
Thursday evening to the group. From the way I see things, C4 chose to
support the bullies, and scape-goated Emma. It was a pretty gutless - but
typical action, from a bunch of dumb TV executives.
C4 losing their heads..
The aftermath of fight night is something that still annoys me. Sure Emma
and Victor needed to be separated that night, but for Emma to be locked
away from EVERY other housemate was utterly unjustified.
Lets be quite clear about
matters, Emma was scape-goated by C4. Even though their press released
claimed that BB did not attribute to Emma any more blame than to any other
housemate, the facts are clear. Emma was locked away in the bedsit from the
early hours of Thursday until sometime between late Friday and late
Saturday. The exact time Emma left has never been confirmed as far as I
It is amazing that Emma
chose to stay alone in the bed-sit at the request of BB, I can't imagine Victor or Jason
finding it acceptable being locked away from the rest of the group. Yet as
those who watch the show devoutly will have noticed, Emma was calm and appeared to be
quite 'okay' with things by late Thursday. She had expressed regret over what
had happened, which is something neither Victor or Jason ever did.

Emma: Unjustified solitary confinement
Suspending the eviction of Vanessa last Friday was not at all necessary.
The reason BB gave to justify it's decision that it was in the 'interest
of housemates' is stupid. The pace of the show has now been seriously
tinkered with too much. The added cancellation of the Saturday evening
task was similarly a crazy decision. Viewers effectively have been denied
two of the central events of the week. I just wonder what sort of paranoid
BB executive is making these decisions, and how much they are being paid.
Perhaps members of the production team are consuming too much of the white
fairy dust, it would help explain a great many of their recent stupid
Housemate Assessments
Ψ Ahmed: Another pretty quiet week from this housemate. He practically
slept through 'fight night', and stayed well clear of the argument. I
suppose this is to his credit.
The amazing thing is that not
only has he survived the first month, he looks likely to perhaps survive to week
8, which would be an astounding achievement considering how he was
perceived in week 1' by both housemates and viewers.
Ψ Dan : The Diplomat, the saviour of Emma ? Dan is the man isn't he, what
a stunning example of professional behaviour he displayed on fight night.
Literally picking up and taking away Emma, and almost single handedly
preventing Emma from attacking Victor or Jason.
Dan will just make it to the final night, but despite his charm and his
friendly personality he will not win.
Ψ Emma : She was indeed my original favourite to win the show, and sadly
she is no longer in the running. Her past week in the house was perhaps
the most bizarre any housemate has ever endured. The fake eviction was a
first for BB, Emma ends realising she is not going to be booted after all,
and along with Michelle stays in the grubby room for 5 full days.
A farewell to you dear Emma, many will miss you.

War weary: Emma's BB5 win was not meant to be.
Ψ Jason : Scheming, sly, letchey, vain ..... that's what Jason is. For a
few weeks this has been entertaining. I'm all for game players in the
house, it is what has added some extra spice to this years show.
Jason's constant attentions
on Vanessa are pitiful though. He looks like some horny 14yr old, who
would beg for sex if he thought it would get him some. His letchy hands on
Vanessa have at times been sickly to watch, although at least Vanessa has made
it quite clear nothing would ever happen inside - or outside of the house.
Poor Jason hasn't a hope of love/passion with Vanessa. Haha.
I noted in my initial impressions of Jason there is something of 'Jonny
Regan' in him. I said, just him a little time and he may well slip into
the same depressed and moody state that Jonny' BB3 did. Over the last few
days this is exactly what has happened. Jason has become very distanced
from the other housemates, complaining about all sorts of things, and
generally has been in a right old moody.
Jason is going to get seriously booed when he leaves the house, but I'm
sure he'll cope very well with what ever the crowd might throw at him
(literally). Jason destroyed his chances of winning as a result of fight

Boiling up : Jason was outraged at the return of Emma and Michelle
Ψ Marco : The happy clappy seal continues to evade eviction, despite his
somewhat provocative behaviour on fight night. Now that Fight night is
almost a week in the past Marco is starting to get a bit rowdy again -
much to the annoyance of Jason. Marco remains an important element in the
group, but with Emma gone and Michelle fading away into the background, he
is going to find daily life a lot harder.
Marco remains a secondary eviction target, he'll last for 2-3 more weeks,
but can't possibly win BB5.
Ψ Michelle : She is playing a
shrewd game isn't she? Like many of the other housemates during
fight night, Michelle's behaviour illustrated her new strategy. She is
going to play the 'Stealth approach' - one of being very quiet, and trying
not to annoy anyone if at all possible.
As ever, she is desperately clingy to her beloved chicken (bless her),
although that in itself separates her from others in the group.
Despite being in the bedsit, Michelle is going to reach the final night.

Clinging on tight to her Chicken- Michelle
Ψ Nadia : Dear Nadia, she is an interesting character whom I do like.
The whole transsexual thing has been very much over discussed. It is
getting dull to continue hearing about her life change. What is the big
deal after all ? Surely all the other housemates - even Ahmed, are now
well aware of Nadia's past. I certainly don't blame Nadia for keeping
quiet about it, it is nobody's business but hers.
Nadia remains one of the
lights of BB5, however she will not make the final night. Unlike some of
the other housemates, Nadia is not enough of a game player to survive into
the latter stages of the series..
Ψ Shell : She is playing
the game quite well. With the loss Vanessa - arguably her best friend in
the house, Shell will need to take a place in the middle of the group. She
has lately been spending a lot more of her time with Nadia and even
Marco.I actually quite like Shell, she has a long list of annoying traits,
but she is certainly more polite and respectable than many of the other
Shell will reach the final
night of the show as I originally predicted, but she still lacks the
character to win. Why would the public vote for her ?
Ψ Stuart : Cowboy Stu-pid is becoming something of a dullard. He
seems to be getting more and more dull with each passing day. His
reactions to Michelle's daily attempts at seducing him are indeed funny to
watch. Is Stuart a virgin ? Hmm, I would propose that he may well will be.
He is certainly the most anxious of the group, just watch him when it
comes to the Saturday night tasks - the guy is terrified !
As things are, with the loss of Emma after fight night...Stuart is now the
obvious likely winner of BB5.

Sheriff Stu-pid : Now the likely winner of BB5
Ψ Vanessa :
Her 1 week stay of execution was not justified, and it annoying she is
still around. Her behaviour on fight night was a right mixed bag. Many
will not have seen what happened prior to the main argument, where she was
crying with Shell and Dan. Later of course, we have her 'pouncing' on
Nadia - why she was annoyed with Nadia, no one has really discovered.
Farewell Vanessa, we won't be
missing you.
Ψ Victor : Public enemy no'1 ? Whatever you may think of him, Victor has
had an highly intense week in the house. Surprisingly he actually tried to
diffuse the conflict that was beginning to erupt on fight night, and for
that he is to be commended. Yet generally, he is a very unbalanced and
hostile housemate.
His recent argument with
Shell about the shopping list is typical of Victor. He will take a very
small disagreement and hold onto it, and make it into as big an issue as
he can. It is as though Victor thrives on being aggressive. He has now
been called into the diary room a number of times for breaking the rules -
his protests on the roof, nominations talk, and his behaviour during
'fight night'. If anyone deserved to be booted for breaking house rules,
it is Victor.

Angry Clown : Victor is now Enemy No'1
For his behaviour and attitude during 'Fight Night', Victor will not win
BB5. When he does get evicted - which appears likely to be next week, he
could well get the most blood thirsty crowd reception any housemate has
ever received.
Group Dynamics
Let us take a quick overview of the remaining 9 housemates, assuming that
Vanessa is already gone.
Group 1: 'the children': Marco, Nadia
Group 2: 'middle people': Ahmed, Dan, Michelle, Shell, Stuart,
Group 3: 'the cats' : Jason, Victor
Post fight night, the group remained literally split for a number of
hours. Even once they were all back together, the tension is still there -
even though they are masking it. Sure, they can all sit together and watch
a mute version of the Football on TV and act happily, but underneath there
remains some serious splits in the group.
With the eviction of Vanessa ( a certainty) and the forced eviction of
Emma ( the travesty !) the group balance has altered a fair bit. Arguably,
Jason and Victor are now in a class of their own. Dan and Michelle are now
in the middle group. Just consider how Michelle has played the game since
she returned from the bedsit. She was far more aware of the Jungle cats
'alliance' than Emma was, yet
she has chosen to be essentially mute. Further, Michelle and Stu-pid are now a couple unto themselves, they rode out the storm of fight
night, and have been pretty quiet ever since - and it would seem likely
this will continue until the final night of the show - I continue to expect both of
them to reach the last night.
As for the remaining children - Nadia and Marco, it seems likely that they will both continue as ever
- although without Emma to give them an emotional boost they will probably be a lot
quieter than they initially were. The loss of Michelle to the 'middle
ground' will also see them further exposed as eviction targets.
With the perceived loss of Vanessa, Shell has already begun to associate
herself more with the children - much to the annoyance of Jason and
Victor. Similarly, Dan is also spending increasing time with housemates he
initially stayed clear of.
One final note, is the case of Ahmed. He is proving to be a surprisingly
resilient housemate, and now looks quite secure for a further 2-3 weeks
within the house. He is the 'wandering housemate', very quiet, going to
bed at 11pm, and seems to be maintaining a relatively 'okay' position
within the group. The issue is will he start picking on Marco again?
My final 4, having taken into consideration the loss of Emma
For those of you that disagree, please remember this - NEVER
under-estimate the power of the teenie texters. They are a key voting
component, and usually have the casting vote in deciding who will win.
Stu-pid will win BB5, there is little doubt of this now. It will be weird
though if the final two are the 'couple'. Dan will get third place, with
Shell getting very few votes - much like Steph did in BB4.
Looking ahead
Barring more shock decisions by BB, Vanessa will get the boot this Friday
evening. It appears that many of the housemates are already resigned to
the loss of Vanessa. Vanessa herself claims she will be evicted because
she is a girl with blonde hair, haha. Maybe she should revert to her
original colour then, instead of trying to portray her current fake
It would seem likely that Jason and Victor will be up for the boot next
week - with Victor going. Actually, if next Friday Big Brother does give
the order for him to leave, will Victor refuse ? Would he dare to stay,
and risk the group losing even more money from the remaining prize fund ?
The reception for Victor from the baying mob outside could be very
interesting to watch. Will Victor need an armed escort -not only in order
to meet Davina, but to protect his ass for the foreseeable future ?
What now needs to happen in BB is to get things back on track, weekly
public evictions MUST become standard again, and if there is going to be a
rule banning nominations talk, then BB should damn well enforce this rule.
It would appear highly
unlikely that the remaining housemates are going to get as rowdy as they
did on 'Fight Night', but then never know in the world of BB.
Enjoy the show
Calrissian : Waving a
farewell to Emma.
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Originally Published © 2004 Philip
Last Updated :