Fresh Cannon Fodder
The most divided group in BB's six year history
continues to astound me. The 24/7 bitching sessions remain rampant, the
group is critically split, and there remains the danger that one of the
housemates will cross the breaking threshold and physically lash out.
Meanwhile, two new pieces of cannon fodder have entered this
house for the clinically insane. Despite their initial 'ohh, aren't they
nice and interesting' aspects, the newbies will probably get nominated for
the boot by the original housemates at the first available opportunity.

New Cannon Fodder for the Bitches to bite
The past week
With Derek managing to stay (just), its been yet another week where my
primary prediction utterly sucked. Damn those voters, they are clearly not
following the requests of most online message board posters - most of whom
were predicting that Mr. Lauds time was up. Oh well, Derek has more
potential for entertainment than Roberto, so we have at least another 10
days of the guy.
Still a moody house
The level of shouting in the house seems to have died down a bit (relative
to weeks 1-2), but it really remains a nasty house to live in. Orlaith and
Eugene must be nuts to want to enter that house! Why would anyone want to
be around such a rude, bitchy, and damn right un-trustworthy group of
people? It can't be for money, because neither Eugene or Orlaith look the
type who are 'ultra desperate', nor in dire need of 'easy cash'.
New Cannon Fodder
Well, lets have a little look at the newbies who entered the 'secret
garden' room of the house on the night of day'29.

Eugene, 27
Within a very short time of entering the secret garden, Eugene has already
claimed he is a virgin, and is not for one for 'sex-talk'. Hmm. Who might
he buddie up with? Derek is certainly on his level. If he has any sense,
he will get close with Makosi & Kemal who are not the most powerful force
in the house. Can he win? Err. Unless he has a great many endearing
quirks, and will not bore us all to death with talk of RF and general
telecommunication issues.....Eugene has not a hope of winning. Oh, and one
other thing. If I was Eugene, I'd be mighty pissed with that photo of him
! Why did BB insist on taking really bizarre/scary photos of some of the
housemates this year?

Kinga, 20 - entered day'29.....booted by Makosi day'32:
She entered the house in just the tiniest of outfits, breathless, and
seemingly 'loud' and ready to shake up the housemates. Yet it was never
meant to be. Kinga's total stay was a mere 3.9 days, and for many...she
will soon fade from memory...along with such names as Sam (remember her?,
lol) and Mary. Bye bye Kinga. You never even got your night with Davina
:(, be good.

Orlaith, 26
The model, the new eye candy of BB6. Seemingly polite, eloquent, and professional
(although I said the same thing about Derek, and we all know what he has
turned out like). Does Orlaith have what it takes to make the final week?
Its a tough call to make, since never has a newbie ever lasted past their
first eviction event. She certainly seems friendly, but I don't think she
going to be the next 'friend' to Makosi and pals. First chance the group
get, she - or Eugene will get booted.
Housemate Assessments - the past week
Ψ Anthony: Ohh lord, the dullard is still in the house. The only time
he seems to have woken up out of his usual slumber was when Orlaith
entered the house. He was soon doing press ups and the usual lame ass
macho crap that just gives 'men' of his age a bad name. The dullard can't
win BB, most viewers don't even remember his name.
Ψ Craig: The slimy
little toad is in mental turmoil again (ohh how I am enjoying it), with
one of Club Loaded up for the boot. Craig remains one of the most
unreliable, bitchiest, and plain old 'nuts' housemates of all time. The
terms 'sociopath' have been applied to him in message boards across the
net, perhaps we are onto something here? He remains a bizarre little
creature, one that certainly is providing us with a textbook case of a
housemate who is utterly breaking under the strain. He can't cope with the
idea that maybe he is in the wrong, that perhaps....just perhaps...he has
yet again picked the wrong people to ally with.
The irony is that Craig has no idea just how popular he is compared to the
other housemates. He has only ever received a few token votes against him.
This is despite the fact that he has changed sides in the house on no
fewer than 4 occasions, which is pretty amazing.

Craig: Devastated that another Allie is up for the boot
Ψ Derek: Damn lucky to still be in the house. As expected all those
'please bb I want to leave' threats were nothing less than absolute lies.
As usual, let us not forget...he is a politician...and such people are not
to be trusted. If Derek can just be calm and shut up for this fifth
week...he even stands a slim chance of getting back into the running for
reaching the latter stages. Hmm.
Ψ Kemal: The 'diva' is having something of a rocky ride in the house.
His mini-breakdown the other day was really quite tragic to view. He does
seem particularly vulnerable at times, despite his usual bouncy state of
mind. The paranoia about whether Makosi genuinely likes him will
inevitably remain to some extent, however things between him and his 'best
pal' have now stabilised. Kemal has the distinct personality to win BB6,
but I still don't believe he will win.
Ψ Makosi: Missy is clearly doing great work. Her choice to boot Kinga
was perhaps not the best choice - since Kinga would surely have got the
boot by the group next week. Anyway, Makosi has done well, and is playing
the housemates particularly smartly. Her task to give the cider to the
newbies was a great ploy, and indeed she found out just who her true
friends really were. Makosi may once again be the favourite to win, her
new rival would seemingly be Orlaith!

Makosi: has formally recruited Vanessa into her Alliance
Ψ Maxwell: He must be
pretty dumb to believe that Saskia actually likes him, never mind might
feel anything 'serious' for him. Oh well, the 'cheaky chappy' had his
chance to cruise to the last week, but has well and truly alienated a few
hundred thousand likely supporters with the whole vile 'scabgate' issue.
For that alone, Maxwell deserves to get booted, but even if he doesn't go
this week, he'll probably go next week
Ψ Saskia: The nasty rude woman is up for the boot, and she is clearly
disgusted with Makosi and friends. Muhahaha
Her comments in her little rant with Makosi, 'go away to Big Brother
Zimbabwe', 'you wearing a wig', etc etc, have totally ruined her chances
of winning. Good riddance Saskia, you blew your chance, and many will be
pleased to see the back of you...whether its this Friday...or next.
Ψ Science: All things
considered, Science is having a good time in the house. All those
arguments, and still he is not in danger of getting booted. Science has
certainly grown closer towards Makosi et al this past week, although he
remains highly independent -a status he'd do well to remain as. He is not
in the same league as Victor BB5' was in terms of comedic quality lines,
but Science has come out with a few classics 'plaque attack' in his clash
with Maxwell, and 'tweedle dum...tweedle dee,...and tweedle twat' vs. Max,
Ant, and Craig. Pretty good really ;)

Tweedle Science: Coming out with some great one-liners
Ψ Vanessa: Dull dull, and still a sap. Today she was telling Makosi
just how much she is lusting after Maxwell. Hmm, it would certainly make
for some viewing if Saskia is on BBLB, whilst Maxwell has already moved
onto someone new. Vanessa lacks a free mind of her own, and is
clearly one of those weak minded fools who will follow whom she perceives
to be the most powerful group of the house. Vanessa can't win, she might
look pretty good, but that will not be enough. Everyone is agreed that she
is dull, the irony is that missy probably thinks she is well liked on the
outside. Bless.
Group Dynamics - Day 27-33
Well well well ! The group divide is stronger than ever, but there have
again more changes. With Roberto getting the boot, the Cabal of Derek of
Roberto - with Craig tagging along, is no more. Derek has ended up with
Makosi's gang, and Craig has crawled away to Club Loaded. Makosi has now
formally taken Vanessa into her Gang - despite the fact that Makosi
probably doesn't trust her one bit !
Craig remains the most funny housemate to watch. He has been bouncing
around my little schematics like a ping pong ball. He just can't help but
change allegiance on an almost weekly basis. With Sas/Max getting booted
this week, will he ditch Club Loaded, but then where will he go ? He has
just about run out of people to try ally with.
Current Alliances:
1. The 'Best Pals': Makosi
and Kemal
2 Game On Game - incorporating 'Best Pals', Vanessa, and
independents: Derek and Science
3. Club Loaded: Anthony, Craig, Maxwell and Saskia
4. Independent housemates: Science, Derek and the newbie's Eugene &

'Club Loaded' ©2005 darkhawk76 (
'Game On Gang' ©2005 finchy9 (
further points of note:-
-there is now a straightforward 5 vs. 4 group battle. With either Saskia/Maxwell
to leave, the Game On Gang lead by Makosi will become all powerful. Club
Loaded's only hope is that Makosi's group will implode (unlikely though)
-Eugene seems likely to remain a freelancer, and will probably be up for
the boot soon enough
-Science and Derek are still independents in most respects, but lately
both have shared considerable time with Makosi and co', and thus will be
considered as definitely against 'Club Loaded', and forming part of the
larger 'Game On Gang'.
-Anthony, Craig, and Vanessa are all looking relatively safe for a few
weeks yet (imagine those 3 making the final!)
House conflicts
With both Anthony and Maxwell barred from Nominations again, we are again
lacking full data as to how all the housemates wish to vote. Saskia and
Makosi voting for each other is of course no surprise, and neither is
Craig vs. Science. In terms of conflict, it is clear who is up against
who. The thing is, Makosi is now protected by no fewer than FOUR
housemates, and maybe this will rise to five - if one of the newbies
decides to take a gamble and side with one of the groups.
Nominations: Round'5
Once again (4 out of 5 weeks) BB has intervened in nominations, and barred
two housemates from voting. This has decimated Club Loaded's chances. Both
Maxwell and Saskia are in dire trouble, and it looks so likely that which
ever one survives this week, will probably get booted next week! Man
alive, imagine that. Just Anthony left, with Craig scurrying away to
another retched corner of the group.
Maxwell: 5
Saskia: 4
Science: 2
Craig: 1

Which one will go, as decide !
The Week Ahead
Which one of the two fools will the public gun for this week? This year
certainly seems harder to predict than previous years, perhaps the public
are starting to change in the type of winner they want? In any case, if I
had to predict I'd suggest that the public will gun for the female....Saskia
to get the boot. In many respects, that might be for the best. What would
then be fun would be to see Maxwell chased around by a horny Vanessa. Or
might we see Maxwell chasing after Orlaith? Hmm, there are some good
possibilities in the near future for some further fascinating developments
in the group.
Finally, there is the issue
of the newbies. Who will they settle with in the group, will they side
with Makosi's masssively powerful gang of 5, or with the now heavily
damaged Club Loaded pick up a few new recruits? Weeks 5-7 of any Big
Brother series is when the big action tends to happen, so...stay tuned !
Calrissian : Looking forward
to the next eviction.
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Originally Published 28/6/2005 © 2005
Philip Calrissian
Last Updated :