First Impressions Experiment
Just before the fourth series
of Big Brother commenced in late May, I decided it might be interesting
to gather some housemate 'impressions' from fellow fans of the show. So
often is the case that people incorrectly recall their initial assessment
of something. With that in mind, I decided to collect a set of data from
fellow fans of BB at three different points in this years show.
-Study Method
night results (period 1)
-End week
two results (period 2)
-Post Show
results (period 3)
-HM ratings across the
9 weeks
-Next Year/Summary
I decided upon a questionnaire format, questionnaires were issued a few
days prior to the time when they were required to be completed. All forms
were then requested to be sent back within 2-3 day.
The primary part of the study were the viewer impressions of the
housemates. Viewers were instructed to choose one of five options on what
was essentially a 'love-hate scale'.
A simple points system was done to convert the 'like' 'not sure' etc
options into some form of measurable data.

There were also a variety of extra questions, tagged onto each of the 3
separate questionnaires.
Number of respondents that
completed each questionnaire
Period 1 : 27
Period 2 : 17
Period 3 : 9
Since I was trying to gain an understanding of how peoples views change
over time, I could not add any new subjects to replace the ones that
dropped out during the course of the study. As is the case with all
longitudinal studies, a massive proportion of participants will drop out
across the duration of the study, to loose two thirds of the original
group is not uncommon.
Section 1 : Opening Night
The first night of BB is always an exciting event for true fans and BB4 was
no exception. Anouska was a stunning start to the evening, however the other 11 contestants
were something of a let down (weren't they ?). If only we had twelve
Anouska's that night, or maybe 6 Feds and 6 Anouska's ?
Questionnaires were issued
from Wed May 21'st until May 23'rd Friday 8pm. All questionnaires were
received by the following Sunday evening - 27 correctly completed forms
were received.
First, if you look at figure
1.0 you can gain an initial idea of how the respondents felt about the
housemates on opening night. The most important thing to note is that only
two of the housemates scored negative - Federico and Tania. This
observation is particularly interesting, as you'll see in sections 2 and 3
of the study. You can also see that Nush gets the highest approval rating
of 0.52, with Cameron at 0.48.
In summary no housemate attained a particularly positive or negative
reaction from viewers. The scores are all relatively close to zero - i.e
the viewers are generally 'not sure'.
Figure 1.0 : First Night
Housemate Impressions

Notes : n=27,
a '+'
score = HM is liked, a '-' score = HM disliked
Summary of respondents opinions on housemates
Respondents were also asked to give any extra comments on how they
perceived the housemates in their first few moments -before they entered
the house.
The following comments summarise how some of the respondents perceived the
housemates on night one.
Ψ Anouska Ψ
-Pretty, but vain
-Pretty, but thick
-most likely to get her kit off
-pretty, sweet looking, over dressed, perhaps quite intelligent, a bit shy
-posh, organised, serious, moody
Ψ Cameron Ψ
-Friendly face.
-i love because of the Scottish connection
-Loony, annoyingly over the top, not funny
-possible virgin
-seems quite pleasant, accent may become annoying, bit of a god botherer
but may be ok
-stands a good chance of winning the 'oh bless' vote unless he overdoes
the whole Christian thing
Ψ Gos Ψ
-Lazy, moody, opinionated
-Fairly neutral, not really struck by him in particular
-over weight, bit eater?~
-why on earth does he still live with his family at that age?
Ψ Jon Ψ
-Natural, nervous
-looks like a cleaner, more cheerful, darker version of Spencer! may do
well for that reason
-very arrogant...thinks he is better than everybody else
-probably not as interesting as he thinks
Ψ Justine Ψ
-Trying a little too hard... comes across as a bit desperate
-alive, bubbly, lively
-oh dear, soppy, a bit wet, appears not to like other women reminiscent of
Ψ Federico Ψ
-Loves himself, a ladies man.
-Gorgeous...nuff said!
-too cocky for my liking
-show-off, big headed, prepared, ponce
-quite good looking, possibility he is funny, seems nice
-might be nicer than he appears or might be an idiot. Hard to tell.
Ψ Tania Ψ
-High maintainance, shallow and selfish
-comes across as thinking she's better than she is!
-bit shallow & looks as though she could be a poser
-tart, show-off, spoilt
-irritating, I can't bear people who say 'ciao' unless they are Italian
-could become a nightmare
-incredibly annoying voice, want to shoot her already
-very snooby
-oh shes going to be funny to watch!
-i just dislike tania more than the others
Ψ Ray Ψ
-is lovely, very personable
-ladies man, humorous
-not sure about him, seems okay, but something grates, touch of the Jonny
Regans going on ?
-struck me as a laddish type more suited to last years bunch of
Ψ Nush Ψ
-Beautiful, but bit of a silly hippy
-very thick, but rather sweet
Ψ Sissy Ψ
-great fun, very pretty
-annoyingly loud
-shy, scared
Ψ Scott Ψ
-Misserable and dull
-Mardy git
-shy, lazy, active
-seems alright but didnt really make an impression
-seems ok, but a little inclined to depression
Ψ Steph Ψ
-Mature and intelligent
-another potential teeth on edge merchant, but i'm not so sure if shes as
potentially annoying as sissy
-dont know why - but I don't really take to her, she seems ok but there's
something i dont quite like about her
So there you have the initial
comments by the respondents. Certainly some very apt comments I would
suggest. Cameron is suggested as being a 'possible virgin', with Steph
suggested as a 'lesbian'. Gos, Justine, and Scott all appear to be
generally perceived as somewhat dull and boring.
Federico and Tania elicited the most comments from respondents, - both
were seen in a mildly negative light. Fed was seen as a 'cocky git', and
Tania as a 'tart' and 'snobby'. Considering that these comments were
mostly noted down within minutes of them being revealed, the viewers had
some quite interesting attitudes about them.
With reference to table 1.0
below, results of questions 5-9 in the Period '1 questionnaire.
'Most likely to win' - The beautiful Anouska suffered a set back with
viewers, not one of the respondents wanted Anouska to win based upon
initial perceptions, 9 (out of 27) expected her to be first evicted,
although only 2 wanted Anouska to actually get the boot.
'Want to win' - 10 respondents wanted Cameron to win, the remaining votes
were evenly split amongst the other housemates - except for Steph - whom
no one voted for.
'First HM to be evicted' - 9
votes for Anouska - and surprisingly 5 votes for both Gos and Tania.
'HM YOU want evicted' - Tania received 8 votes in favour of being booted,
Sissy 4, and Gos 3.
Table 1.0 : Viewer scores for
Period 1, questions 5-9
Housemate |
HM Most Likely to Win BB4 |
HM you want to Win |
Predicted First Evictee |
HM you want Evicted |
Anouska |
0 |
0 |
9 |
2 |
Cameron |
3 |
10 |
1 |
2 |
Federico |
5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Gos |
1 |
1 |
5 |
3 |
Jon |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Justine |
0 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
Nush |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
Ray |
7 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Scott |
0 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Sissy |
1 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
Steph |
3 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Tania |
1 |
1 |
5 |
8 |
Notes : n=27, Omissions (2 for all questions, 3 for
'want evicted)
Section 2 :
Period 2
Some 2 weeks into the show,
it was time to issue the second set of questionnaires.
Questionnaires completed
weekend 14'th-15'th (BB Day 15-16)
First, with reference to figure 2.0 you can see where on the 'love-hate'
scale how the housemates were judged. By the end of the second week Jon is
most liked by the respondents with a score of 1.18, with the now-booted
Anouska scoring 0.65. Least liked are Justine -1.00, with Sissy on -0.35.
Out of the 12 housemates, 7 already have negative scores. Ray, Scott and
Gos are all relatively 'not sure' housemates.
Figure 2.0 : Second Period
Housemate Impressions

Notes :n=17, a '+' score = HM is liked, a '-' score = HM
Summary of respondents
opinions on housemates
As follows are the
respondents extra notes on how they perceived the housemates.
Ψ Anouska Ψ
-i grew to like her and was disappointed to see her go after just one week
Ψ Cameron Ψ
-i think he has a cheek saying that jon is stopping him from having fun
when all he seems to do is sit around and look
disapproving whenever anyone gets a little high-spirited. I dislike him
intensely. I think he is a straight laced old-womanish
control freak, and i really hope he goes soon.
-quite charming
Ψ Gos Ψ
-lazy and manipulative
Ψ Jon Ψ
-clever and funny, but too insular to be likeable
-marvellous entertainment, he is driving them all insane
Ψ Justine Ψ
Ψ Federico Ψ
-he's a liar, he wants to be controversial
-disagreeable, bad, interesting
Ψ Tania Ψ
-thick, bad, but not proud of it
-fake, shallow, and false
Ψ Ray Ψ
-inaudible and bad tempered
Ψ Nush Ψ
-really a nasty piece of work
-dippy hippy
Ψ Sissy Ψ
-still too loud
-loved her, she was honest and genuine
Ψ Scott Ψ
-the only in there with any sense. Also seems a nice bloke
-who he ?
Ψ Steph Ψ
-how boring can one person be?
-pleasant but dull
Many were sad to see Anouska get booted in week 1', and her overall rating
improved once she had left the show. Gos and Ray were both touted as being
dull or mostly un-noteworthy. Fed and Tania were still annoying a few
respondents, their overall ratings also support this view.
At this stage in the show,
many viewers often seemed unclear as to the nature of the housemates... "
Of those that are left, I still have to be convinced of some of their
personalities. They are still being a bit too nice to each other!"
Another respondent noted "This years housemates are
actually a little bland. I have not got addicted unlike last year. No
extremes of love (alex) and hate (jonny) that i felt last year."
Clearly, by Day 15-16, viewers were feeling somewhat annoyed with Cameron,
were offended by Justine's attitude, and but many were now starting to
respect Jon.
Finally, questions 5 and 6. With reference to table 2.1, for question 'who
do you believe is most likely to win bb4' there was a split majority
of 5 votes each for Ray and Scott - Cameron was not seen as a likely
winner by any of the 17 respondents.
Question 6' 'who do you want
to win BB4', 9 of the 17 respondents voted for Jon, with Ray, Scott, Gos
and Cam' picking up a vote or two.
Table 2.1 : Viewer scores for
Period 2, questions 5 and 6
Question |
Jon |
Ray |
Scott |
Gos |
Cam' |
5. HM most likely to win |
3 |
5 |
5 |
1 |
0 |
6. HM YOU want to win |
9 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Notes: All
other HM's failed to receive any votes by viewers, n=17 (3 omissions for
both questions)
Section 3 :
Period 3
Questionnaires completed post
show July 25'th-29'th (BB Day 64+)
With reference to figure 3.0, are the results of the viewer impressions
post-bb show. Of the 13'th housemates, 5 ended the show with negative
scores, 2 were neutral, and 6 were distinctly positive. After returning to
the house Jon Tickle's rating ended up as most liked 1.67, with Federico
at 1.33. Tania scored a post show rating of 0.55, with Gos, Anouska, and
Scoth with mildly positive scores. Both Nush and Ray ended with neutral
Interestingly, although Justine left the show end week '2, her rating is
now -1.78, considering worse than Cameron -1.22. Sissy and Steph also
scored mildly negative scores.
The 13'th housemate, Lisa ended with a slightly negative rating of -0.22,
which was not that bad considering what happened with her during her short
*although only 9 of the original 27 respondents did part 3 of the
study, I argue the results are very much aligned with the mainstream BB
fan opinion.
Figure 3.0 : Post Show
Housemate Impressions

Notes : n=9, A '+' score = HM is liked, a '-' score = HM
Summary of respondents
opinions on housemates
As follows, the final notes from respondents on how they perceived the 13
housemates in Big Brother 4.
Ψ Anouska Ψ
-unashamedly hedonistic - admirable, but a bit wearing for us older
-let herself down with her spitefulness about other housemates
Ψ Cameron Ψ
-dishonest, either with us, himself or both
-The most dislikeable winner of BB yet. I great disappointment that he won
Ψ Gos Ψ
-Gaetano had him sussed when he told the BBA house the UK one had a
'swimming pool, and even a cook' as if he was just part of the furniture
-came across much better outside the house than he did in it, Nice chap
Ψ Jon Ψ
-Hilarious. A real character and really rather brave
-Articulate and interesting, although his return to the house was not what
I had hoped for from him
Ψ Justine Ψ
-continues to make our blood boil whenever she appears
-has made herself look extremely bitter, not to mention stupid, with her
near-constant sniping at Jon
-Nasty, no courage of her own convictions but shouts other people's from
the rooftops
Ψ Federico Ψ
-outrageous and easy on the eye. How did we resist him?
-A bit of a fool, but at least he is entertaining and articulate
Ψ Tania Ψ
-dozy clothes horse. Not sure why she did BB, suspect neither is she.
Redeemed herself somewhat by not joining Justine on
the media whore trail
-nice girl, but essentially pretty stupid and pretty boring
Ψ Ray Ψ
-boy band material. Can't comment on his personality as never understood a
word of what he said.
-boring, stupid, and with a very childish sense of humour. However he is
honest, and as such should have won
Ψ Nush Ψ
-loveable leech. Redeems herself to some extent for me by her occasional
flashed of self-awareness
Ψ Sissy Ψ
-whinging notherner. Waste of space. Still looks like she needs a bath
-unfairly maligned, IMO. She was a very kind girl, and like ray was very
Ψ Scott Ψ
-dull. I liked him at first, and kept hoping he would reveal hidden
depths. He didn't.
-suspect he was the most intelligent. Unlike Cameron, he hid his best bits
not the worst from the HM's - occasionally he let
slip perfect one-liners when he felt comfortable with the company
Ψ Steph Ψ
-sad, repressed and old before her time, Steph will become even less
tolerant as she gets older, and eventually turn into her
grandpa Albert
-after her masturbation conversation (where she described it as
'violation') I lost all respect for her. She obviously has
severe issues with her own sexuality and as such should make the perfect
partner for Cameron
Ψ Lisa Ψ
-bunny boiler with an ego the size of the Albert hall. She ought to learn
something form this experience, but she won't
-we'd have hated her, whichever week she entered the house. Totally
As you will have just read, many of the comments were highly negative
about the majority of the housemates. Steph in particular really crashed
in popularity after her 'masturbation is a violation' comments. Justine
was a very odd case in that her rating continued to fall relentlessly
during the 9 week show, one person noted that she "has made herself look
extremely bitter, not to mention stupid, with her near-constant sniping at
Jon, Federico, and Gos all scored noticeably positive ratings. As one
respondent noted Gos "came across much better outside the house than he
did in it, Nice chap".
Nush, Ray, and Scot were all generally seen as relatively dull housemates.
Results for questions 5-10
5. Housemate you wanted to Win
-anyone other than cameron =1
-Jon = 5
-no answer= 3
6. Did you enjoy BB4
Loved it |
Liked it |
Reasonable |
Didn't like |
Hated it |
3 |
5 |
(no answer : 1)
7. Do you think Endemol pick a winner prior to the show starting ?
Yes : 2
No : 6
no answer : 1
8. Who do you think C4/Endemol wanted to win BB4 ?
-Cameron : 4
-'anyone but steph'
- no answer : 4
9. (suggestions for BB4)
10. Will you be applying for BB4 ?
Yes : 1
No : 6
no answer : 2
Section 4 -
How housemates were perceived across the 9 weeks
With reference to table 4.0 we can see how the 13 housemates
(don't forget Lisa) did over the 9 weeks.
Anouska started with a mildly positive score, a week after her eviction
she was attracting a noticably positive rating from the respondents,
although her rating did fall a little by the end of the show. Cameron was
the second most popular housemate on opening night, his rating soon
dropped to mildly negative, by series end he was very much disliked.
Federico was mildly disliked for the first few weeks of BB, his rating
quickly increased once he left the house. Gos was always a relatively
'non' housemate, ending up with a mildly positive rating.
Justine was a particularly amazing example of how viewers can soon come to
despise a housemate. Her mildly positive rating on opening night crashed
by the time of her eviction by week 2, and continued to fall to a strong
level of dislike post show.
Table 4.0 : Longitudinal Mean
Viewer scores for BB HM's
First Night |
0.18 |
0.48 |
-0.07 |
0.18 |
0.37 |
0.26 |
Period 2 |
0.65 |
-0.24 |
-0.24 |
0.18 |
1.18 |
-1.00 |
Post Show |
0.33 |
-1.22 |
1.33 |
0.44 |
1.67 |
-1.78 |
Notes : n=27 (first night), 17 (period 2), 9 (post show).
Scores in red indicate negative viewer opinion
Max/Min score possible : +2 → - 2
With reference to table 4.1,
Nush - who scored the highest first night rating of 0.52, soon dropped to
negative by week 2, and recovered to a neutral rating by post show. Ray
started with a mildly positive rating, but this slowly fell to neutral by
post show. Scott - like Gos, was a relatively 'non' housemate. Viewers
never really had strong opinions on Scott either way, he ended with a
mildly positive score. Sissy was one of the more popular housemates during
the opening night, but her rating soon fell by week 2, and this level of
mild dislike was maintained until shows end.
Ms. Steph - like Nush, scored a somewhat initial positive rating on
opening night, but this fell over the weeks, particularly in the last week
of the show.
Missy Tania started the opening night with a pretty negative reaction from
viewers, this rating slowly improved within a few weeks, and Tania
actually was somewhat liked by post show. As for Lisa, by post-show her
rating was one of mild-dislike.
Table 4.1 : Longitudinal Mean
Viewer scores for BB HM's
First Night |
0.52 |
0.33 |
0.22 |
0.37 |
0.41 |
-0.41 |
- |
Period 2 |
-0.24 |
0.06 |
-0.06 |
-0.35 |
0.19 |
-0.18 |
- |
Post Show |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.11 |
-0.33 |
-0.66 |
0.55 |
-0.22 |
Notes : n=27 (first night), 17 (period 2), 9 (post show)
Scores in red indicate negative viewer opinion
Max/Min score possible : +2 → - 2
Explanations for changes in the ratings across the 9 weeks
Anouska : Her stunning entrance on opening night produced a
mildly positive response. Her rating seemed to increase after her
eviction, but fell, - possibly as a result of her appearance of BB
Australia where upon pictures/video of her nude body were
distributed across the web and general media.
Cameron : His initial entrance into the house seemed to woo many
viewers. He looked like the nice man that every mother dreams of
producing. Yet within a few weeks many viewers (certainly a significant
chunk) began to get annoyed at his sanctimonious manners. With Cameron in
the house, 'fun' was reduced - especially in regards to drink
("drink...its not big and its not clever" and "... I don't like folk
boasting about....drink"). As the weeks slipped by, Cameron effectively
was at WAR with the 'Tickle army". With his narrow victory over the Tickle
on Day 29' Cameron's rating on average turned ever more negative.
Cameron's attitude was generally one of repression and his constant
refusal to discuss almost any subject just infuriated the viewers ever
Federico : His initial 'cockiness' really seemed to upset viewers
(including myself), he was the stereotypical young dude who appeared to
love himself too much. Yet Fed' wasn't that bad (was he?), and his average
viewer rating soon increased to being liked. Even after he got the boot,
Fed was increasingly respected as one of the few interesting HM's in BB4.
Gos : The stereotypical 'big fat happy chef', that was Gos. He
always maintained a relatively positive rating in the minds of most
viewers. Gos never really did much though, never really got involved. He
tended to always be the one that quelled developing arguments - much to my
own annoyance.
Jon : What a story for the tickle, initially viewer (myself
included) didn't really 'get' Jon. He seemed a bit dull and looked as
though he'd be booted by week 2 or 3. Yet by Day 5 many viewers started to
understand and respect 'the tickle'. The HM that wore the shirt 'Created
by God, loved by women' could surely be a possibly star ! At the time of
Justine's eviction Tickle was clearly storming ahead in popularity, in
part probably due to C4's portrayal of him as the 'english eccentric'.
* it would have been fascinating to have seen what sort of rating the
Tickle would have attained, had he survived his 5'th eviction play-off
against Cameron. Would Jon have scored an even higher rating, and would he
have won by a landslide against the remaining housemates - all of whom had
pretty poor popularity scores.
Justine : The most disliked housemate in BB history ? Sadly it is
not possible to compare Justine to earlier 'dark characters', but i would
argue that she is probably in the top 3 of all time 'hated housemates'.
Her bitching session with Sissy about the Tickle was infamous, and that
moment sealed her fate. The really ironic thing is that, unlike most
housemates who upon leaving the show early see their popularity rating
rise, Justine's rating continued to slip. In fact, by shows end Justine
was close to scoring an average rating of 'Hate them'. Justine's endless
sniping at Jon after she left the house left the viewers with an even more
dismal view of her.
Nush : She received the most positive rating on opening night, but
the viewers never felt for her very long. Initially Nush looked like the
cutesy hippy chick, one that might have some interesting personality
facets... but no. Nush turned out to be mostly bland and almost a bit
repressed like Ms. Steph. Nush was arguably almost as attractive as
Anouska was, but Nush never tried to capitalise on it. Nush was drab, her
general sullen expression was pretty much accurate of her overall
Ray : The 'rude boy'. He entered the house as perhaps one of the
more interesting guys. The second task failure was Ray's best moment - the
moment when he went all "fucking wankers...we're just guinea pigs". Ray
was probably the most filthy mouthed of the BB4 contestants (although Gos
runs a close 'innit' second place). Ray ended up with a rating of 0.0 -
which is pretty shocking when you consider how he was runner up in BB4.
Scott : A look at his average rating scores at the 3 points in this
study clearly show what Scott was... Dull. He never really inspired anyone
to either love him or despise him. Scott blended into the wallpaper the
moment he entered the house, and he mostly stayed hidden from the public
until very late in the show. The problem was that when it came to the
final night, very few voters knew who the hell Scott was, which resulted
in him garnering so few votes.
Sissy : Whiney, loud, and annoying - so said many of the
respondents. Sissy didn't last long, she seemed to share Ray's temper.
Steph : really upset a massive number of people with her
anti-self pleasure comments as being a 'violation'. I wonder if she really
does believe that ? The thing is, she expressed this opinion on a number
of occasions - so i fear it to be true. Has the woman ever had an orgasm ?
Hmm, i have my doubts about her, silly woman.
Tania : Ms. Do-Nascimento saw quite a dramatic change in her
ratings level. Tania scored the most negative score on opening night, but
as the weeks went by her rating slowly recovered to neutral. Once she left
the house her rating, and post-show her rating was moderately positive. In
fact, Tania's rating was the third most popular housemate. One reason for
this I believe was because Tania decided to fade away. She didn't do the
media circuit (much to my surprise), neither did she put herself in for
the running to be voted back into the house.
One respondent summed Tania up as "nice girl,
but essentially pretty stupid and pretty boring".
Lisa : Lisa 'i can kill you with 2 fingers' was a strong minded
woman, but another disappointing housemate. She never really contributed
much to the house, except to annoy Cameron, ray and steph when she
mentioned 'tactics'. Why Lisa went into the house at such a late stage is
beyond my understanding. Surely she realised she would be vilified and
would be booted first opportunity the other housemates got ?
Next Year
This year I correctly predicted 12 out of 13 evictions - the one I got
wrong was the Jon-Cameron 5'th eviction show. For BB5 perhaps we can make
some money out of a further enhanced version of this study ?
Predicting evictions for BB4 seemed pretty straight forward, so next year
perhaps with the data from a group of 'true bb fans', some serious bets
can be placed ;)
So next year then, we could find 40 core BB fans and have them give their
perceptions on night 1', process the data within a day, and then make some
Factors that should be predictable...
-Housemate likely to get booted first
-Housemate to win
-Housemates likely to be booted early on
-Housemates who are bland as wallpaper - yet who are likely to survive
until the latter part of the show.
Each eviction is unique of course, and is highly dependent upon a large
number of variables - such as how C4/Endemol portray those up for
eviction. However, I believe that with a decent sample of 'core bb fans',
predictions can be based more soundly than most people realise. Well, that
is for next year... perhaps.
In Closing
BB4 was very much a big
disappointment to most viewers, myself included. Even so, the results of
this study do remind us of some of the few highlights of the show. The
public took at least a week to understand Jon. Cameron who was initially
highly respected by many saw his ratings crash as the weeks passed by.
Justine became the most hated housemate of the show in her short 2 week
The show could have been so much different had the double eviction of week
4 not taken place. Cameron would probably have been booted, no matter who
he was put against. Anyway, it happened and I suppose we should move on :)
One respondent to this study
summed up BB4 nicely...
"Cameron, Steph, and Justine are all amongst my worst 5 UK HM's of all
time, at 45,48, and 49 respectively. Jon is in my top 3, at 3, with Fed
coming in at 8 on my all time list. It was a truly awful selection of HM's
this year. The difference between the real and C4 versions of this show is
the single greatest memory that I will have of this show. It was even
worse than BB2 and 3.
Gos, Sissy, Tania, and Nush have all started to fade from my memory, and
with the exception of Jon, I am sure I will have difficulty recalling any
of their names by Christmas."
* I would like to note my appreciation to all those who took the time to
participate in this study. I think this is probably the only study ever
done on a reality TV show. So each respondent can count themselves as
having taken part in something quite unique.
So, that is truly it from me
for this year on BB4. Farewell, and see you next year.
Calrissian : Yet to be booted.
BB : Big Brother 4 UK
C4 : Channel 4, - I use C4/Endemol interchangeably, they both contribute to
the final design of the show.
HM: Housemate
n = sample size
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© 2003 Philip Calrissian
Last Updated :