Final Week Eviction Twist
The Housemates are now in their final few days of
what has been a roller coaster 'holiday from reality'. Rather than Stuart
- who never received a single nomination for the entire series, Nadia now
looks the likely winner of BB5. However, the midweek eviction may yet
prove interesting, with Shell hopefully up for the boot.

The Past week in
the house
Another surprising eviction vote came to pass, with Michelle managing to
win -or lose (depending on your perspective), two thirds of the entire
public vote - even though she was against 5 other housemates. The final
vote tally was a total landslide, and an indication that the general
public strongly felt that Michelle was indeed something of a 'bunny
Week 9 total votes: 2.3 million
Michelle: 67%
Jason: 26%
Shell, Stuart, and Nadia : 2%
Dan: 1%

"..Eh chicken....did they just boo me...Chick..... talk to me!"
The Price Fund
The final Saturday task indeed turned out to be one where the housemates
were given the opportunity to claw back some of their lost winnings.
However, only a mere £10,000 was available, relatively minor in the scheme
of things.
The first part of the task saw the dreaded return of the round-about,
although this time the housemates had not been earlier gorging themselves
on junk food. That part was relatively easy then... a few minor
obstacles.... all done. However, the 'bar of delights' section of the task
was indeed seriously icky. The housemates had haft an hour to consume
between themselves some 10 shots of vile contents - 2 saltwater, 2 Fish
oil, and 6 Fish Guts. Ewwwww
Surprisingly, the housemates have both Stuart and Jason to thank for
winning back all of the £10,000 on offer. Stuart was superb, and must have
a stomach made out of cast iron to have consumed so much of that vile goo.
*Had I been faced with this task, I would have told C4/Endemol to stick
their stinking £10k up their oversized corporate ass. If YOU were faced
with this task, would you have drank any of those disgusting shots ?
As of week 10, the final prize fund now stands at £63,500.
Mini Gallery
Tasty treats?
Nadia feels ill just looking at what is on offer |
Post oil
Nadia is very sick after consuming the salt water and then fish oil |
Tunnel of Fish
Shell will do anything to win |
Shell fails to swallow
Ms. Moneygrabber chooses to pass on the tasty treats |
Mind Games
I have been disappointed with the level of 'evil' Big Brother. It
has been quite a let down in my view. Sure, we have had sirens at
breakfast time to get the lazy housemates out of bed, the relatively
'impossible Saturday tasks', but that has been about it.
Compared to the conditions during the infamous 'divide' of BB3, this years
housemates have had things relatively easy. Have people forgotten how
harsh BB3 was, relative to this year ? Do we not remember the weeks of
agony that Jonny, Kate, Adele, and Alex experience living on basic rations
for a number of weeks ?
However, Monday was interesting. Looks like BB wanted to play a few games
with the housemates heads - about time too!
1. BB asks for 'someone' to come to the diary room. Nadia sits down.....BB
asks Nadia how she is doing.... then orders Nadia to keep this
conversation confidential....and that's it. Nadia is like, 'what the
hell?'... and leaves the diary room after this 15 second diary room
2. Evening Nominations. BB announces that the housemates will be required
to nominate in 1 hr. After 30mins, BB tells the housemates they will be
nominating in 15 minutes. Dan leads the pack, and refuses to nominate.
Had 'Shell' been first.... there is absolutely no doubt she would have
nominated, and would have chosen Jason. It is interesting to speculate
what the 'special privilege' that Jason might have received.

Dan: refused to nominate
3. Showing the
housemates diary room footage of how the remaining housemates have
previously nominated each other.
Shell was most upset at this latest tactic of BB. Once again we saw a
little glimpse of the real 'Shell' -and she is far from the polite little
girl that she has tried to portray to the viewers. Shell's first response
to seeing the video was '...No....Noooooo......cunts..... fucking
cunts....... no...I'm not going to watch any of these...". The odd thing
was the Shell was soon complaining that BB only showed one clip of her
nominating - BB had showed a couple of clips for both Dan and Jason. Shell
later noted outside with Dan and Nadia that she felt it was 'most unfair'
of them to show her in the diary room, and reveal her views about the
other housemates - especially Nadia.
It would have been interesting if BB had decided to show clips of 'fight
night' to the housemates...if only to see how they would react to seeing
that infamous BB 'Television Event'.
4. Barring access to the spa area, and also removing various food/drinks
from the Kitchin.
5. Fake newspaper, suggesting that there is a BB mole.
Housemate Assessments
Ψ Dan : The 'Dark lord' Dan....has done well this series. Acting as house
diplomat, he has survived 3 public votes - although never via a straight
1vs1 face off - so we can't be exactly certain how well the public like
I don't mind Dan, he seems quite nice - I'm sure he is okay as a person in
the real world. I just wish he had 'done something' during his stay,
although the moment when he literally picked up Emma during fight night
was an unforgettable moment in BB history. Dan will surely make it to the
final night, although he has done very little to merit this length of stay
- never mind the opportunity to win.
Ψ Jason : A very surprising public vote has lead to one of BB's most
vilified housemates making it to the final week. For those - myself
included, who find him quite repulsive, this is indeed on a par with the
injustice of Cameron winning BB4.
How is this possible ? How
did someone who was once one of the UK's most hated housemates make it to
the final week? It is scary to think that it remains 'possible' for Jason
to win. Merely making it to final night in itself is shocking enough.

Jason - Shockingly makes it to the final week
Ψ Michelle : She was
certainly shocked to hear the boos during last week's eviction, and it was
her 'bunny boiler' attitude towards her beloved chicken that was her
downfall. If only she had played it cool with Stuart for just a week, she
would have made it to the final night.
Michelle should count herself lucky she got off with what was a very easy
going interview from Davina. Why did C4 not show any of the 'under the
table/duvet' footage? Michelle is now touting herself as the sex
goddess, a woman who will literally 'undress for the right price', so why
is she so uptight about any coverage of her sex antics with her chicken ?
Is it really the case that she is still very much intimidated by her
parents, and indeed is probably going to face some stark choices in the
coming weeks. Her family, or a career is soft porn ? Judging by her past
performance, she will do almost anything for money - and this will
doubtless disgust Stuart.
Farewell Missy.
Ψ Nadia : With just a few days to go, Nadia is looking good for a real
chance of the win. She has managed to keep calm, and remain polite to all
the other housemates -even to her nemesis Jason. Her continued fears about
what the public think of her are indeed unjustified, most 'normal' people
really couldn't give a damn about her past - what matters is how she acts
in the present.
All things
considered....Nadia would make an admirable winner. If she does win this
Friday, it will be quite touching to see how she deals with the public
acclaim that she has steadily developed since week 1'. For her to be
accepted by the wider public for who she is, would surely mean more to her
than the prize itself.

Dreaming of the BB5 win - Nadia
Ψ Shell : Dull dull dull. Her latest antics have just continued to annoy
me. Has this woman no balls at all ? Will she keep licking everyone's ass,
even after the show has ended ? Yet she has once again shown a side of her
that is really distasteful. Shell has attempted to portray a 'nicey nice'
image throughout the series, yet during Tuesday's playback of nominations,
Shell let loose with her favourite curse word 'cunt'*
Ms. Shell is truly the classic wallpaper housemate. We can at least be
happy that Shell will not win BB5, and hopefully the media will largely
ignore her, and she will fade away to her Mansion in the country from
whence she came. Good riddance.
*It remains interesting that only Shell is the only housemate (to my
knowledge) to have used the 'Cunt' word - a word which remains the last
real 'taboo' for mainstream British Television. In the recent Wedding
task, C4 allowed the use of it once or twice, but then bleeped out all
other (some 15+) references to it during Victor and Shell's argument.
For the viewers - including Shell's own family, who think she is all so
polite and nice, do they have any excuse for her now favourite curse word
Ψ Stuart : One of BB's most successful players, yet after what has been a
remarkable Big Brother experience, it now looks like he will not win after
all. For such a young guy, Stuart has had the perfect BB house experience.
Taking everything in good nature, he has never shown any moment of
'attitude' to anyone. Having forged a semi-official alliance with Jason
and Victor, Stuart has trundled through the show as though he is in
command of everything that happens. His relationship with Michelle -which
indeed reached a sexual crescendo under the kitchen table recently, has
been interesting to observe, although it has done nothing to improve his
public image.
As many have noticed, within a short time of Michelle leaving the house,
Stuart sounded more upbeat and coherent than he has in a very long time.
Constructing entire sentences, Stuart now appears to be almost
'liberated', although he has made it clear he wants to be with Michelle
when he leaves the house. However, it appears highly unlikely that Stuart
is going to have any kind of 'serious' relationship with Michelle in the
longer term. Michelle and Stuart are from such different social
backgrounds, that it is almost too much to believe they will invest the
time and energy necessary to build a real bond that will last a lifetime.
Then again, I'd like to wish them well in their attempt..... anything is
possible in this world after all.
Despite everything, assuming Shell goes on Wednesday, it looks like Stuart
will be booted first on Final night - unless the teenie texters decide to
support their guy in a major way.

Laidback as ever, but it seems Stuart will not win BB5
Group Dynamics
Let us take an overview of the remaining 5 housemates.
Group 1: 'the children': ----
Group 2: 'middle people':, Dan, Nadia, Shell, Stuart, - aka, the
'get-along gang'
Group 3: 'the cats' : Jason
With Stuart's girl Michelle getting the boot, a mere five housemates
remain. The house really looks empty most of the time, although the
situation is way better than previous BB's when there were fewer
housemates in the final week.
The group has remained fragmented...into two camps. Jason remains very
detached from the group, although he has remained remarkably polite
despite his obvious unhappiness being around people he doesn't much like.
Jason though is still not afraid to have a few jabs at Dan for licking
Nadia's ass - remember the recent 'puppet' task.
The housemates
selected for BB5 have been perhaps the most confrontational of any series
so far, yet here we are in the last few days...and from recent behaviour
it is as though the remaining housemates have been good friends for many
years. It will interesting to hear how the housemates relate to each other
after the show - will anyone want to keep in touch with Jason ?

Serenity: The group is now relatively at peace
Wednesday Night Eviction - the options
How is this Wednesday's eviction going to pan out ? A long list of rumours
are all over net.....a few of my favourites...
1. The two housemates with the lowest votes as at Wednesday night will be
put up for eviction, the other 3 housemates will then have to decide who
gets the boot.
2. Quiz. Some kind of 'pop quiz' for the 2 or 3 housemates with the lowest
3. The housemate with the lowest number of votes will be called to the
diary room..... never to return
With the TV schedule as it is.... the last choice looks the likely route.
However, Davina said the midweek eviction would be 'with a twist'.... so
perhaps it will be something more interesting after all - we can hope.
If option 1 turns out to be true, then who might go ?
Nadia is undeniably the current leader with public, she is safe.
To my horror... Jason looks likely as being the more 'interesting'
housemate to vote for in some people's minds, and may well hold second
Dan is third....... he has always merited more attention and interest
Stuart - the only housemate un-nominated......relatively benign......but
more fascinating than...
Shell - the stereotypical wallpaper housemate. Dull dull dull.
So.......Stuart and Shell - if this is the case then who would Dan, Jason
and Nadia support ?
Dan: He voted for Shell in the last round of nominations....and I suspect
he'll prefer Stuart to stay
Jason: He has always had an allegiance to Jungle Cat Stuart..... so
another Stuart fan.
Nadia: She tends to nominate men, so I suspect she'll vote for Stuart to
In this event though...despite the support of Nadia..... Shell gets the
boot ! Yeyyyyyyyyyyy.

Shell....on her way out of BB5
Looking ahead
So, who is going to win? Last year was relatively easy to predict.
Wallpaper housemate Steph barely got any votes, Scott managed to get only
marginally more. Ray was never going to win against 'saintly' Cameron, BB4
was indeed predictable. In contrast, this year's show has been really
quite hard to correctly guess, although some broad trends of who the
public favour are discernable.
Nadia has steadily continued to increase in her public following since
Day'1. She is not the favourite to win...and is in direct opposition to
Jason - which for those that despise the guy, will likely flock to support
Shell has always been the 'non housemate' of the series, from the
perspective of inside and outside of the house.
The Final Night 4 now look to be....
Nadia appears to be the likely winner - somewhat unexpected, although she
has comfortably survived 3 public eviction votes. Jason may well scrape
through to the final night - assuming Shell gets the boot this Wednesday.
Despite having the teenie vote, Stuart may well fall short of Dan - whom
has always done better in the public vote than Stuart.
Although everything depends on the style of the midweek eviction. Jason
has considerably more fans than both Shell or Stuart - perhaps even more
support than Dan. In any case, Shell looks like she will be booted, even
if it comes down to a vote from the other housemates.
What ever happens this Wednesday.... be sure to enjoy it !
Calrissian : Yet to visit the
Diary Room
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Originally Published © 2004 Philip
Last Updated :