Delusional Housemates
This year's group of housemates are surely the
biggest bunch of freaks we've seen in BB's six year run. The past ten
weeks have slipped past so quickly, and we're now left with just 6
housemates - 2 of which are newbies. It has been a difficult week's
viewing in some parts. We've had the relentless Craig pursuing his
'precious' Anthony, - with Craig still maintaining that he only sees
Anthony as a 'friend'. Orlaith kept to her word (for once), and took the
walk of shame. Kinga's return to the house was great news for viewers, and
has woken up the sleepy housemates, if only a little. With just 10 days to
go, the pressure is starting to build again, and talk amongst the
housemates is now about who might win.

Craig - can't help but touch his 'precious'
The past week
Babydoll gets kicked
Ohh lord, one of
the more respectable housemates gets kicked, in a 48/52% vote against the
fake blonde. Sigh. Damn it, the votes this year have been really going
badly. We lost the fascinating Mary in week 1, Roberto week'4 and Science
week'8 - big characters, any one of which would have made for great final
night contestants. Kemal, you were a pretty damn good entertaining
The fake blonde finally stays true to her word
endless whining that she wanted to leave the house. Arghhh !. Awful woman.
It is the worst of all BB clichés that some housemates claim to wish to
leave...only to then be happy to stay. Yet finally, Orlaith stayed true to
her word. Of course, she has in many ways - to use Makosi's term, 'punked'
Kemal in the most damaging way possible. She has managed to usurp Kemal
and get her naked body on the picture of the gutter press, and even onto
BBLB. Farewell Orlaith, and please don't turn up at the final night
reunion parade.
An unlikely return
Kinga has made the most unlikely return to our screens. The big bouncy
young woman who lasted just 4 days in the secret garden, only to be kicked
out by Makosi, is back...and is loud as ever! I always thought it was
really sad that this young woman never got to be a proper housemate,
despite all her efforts. For once, C4/Endemol have realised their mistake,
and took the opportunity to throw her back into the mad house. It was also
something of a surprise that not only is she back, but that she is
eligible to win. The other housemates - and some viewers, might feel
justifiably incensed if this woman wins, since she would only have been on
the show for a little more than 2 weeks.

Kinga's return pleased many viewers
Delusional housemates
The last few nights have been utterly bizarre. For those who are indeed
devout fans of Big Brother, we've seen some truly freaky shit on our
Craig and Anthony
I've been somewhat restrained in myself for the last month when it comes
to Craig. I've considered that the guy is obviously under a lot of stress,
wants to win, and the other standard stuff, but I've had it with him. Its
time for a no holds barred commentary/rant on the hairdresser....
What the fuck is going on in
Craig's head? His pattern of behaviour to Anthony is utterly weird. Night
after night we've seen him doing the following...
1. Start an argument with
Anthony (usually around 9-11pm)
2. Get Anthony into a state where he eventually tells him "...fuck off
3. Craig then gets upset
4. Things then settle down...only for Craig to then apologise (or Anthony
sometimes does)
5. Craig gets close to his precious, with lots of hand holding, hugs,
stroking, and warm words.
6. (usually an hour or so later). Craig is then once again coming on to
Anthony, making overt sexual suggestions to him, and endlessly trying to
be physically close to him.
As of writing, its a Tuesday
evening and it would seem likely that Craig will again start making more
moves onto Anthony. Will he start yet another row, end up in tears, and
then make another play for his beloved Anthony?
Dear Craig
You said to Kinga this afternoon "...I'm not talking about my
sexuality...". That is fine Craig, and both myself - and I'm sure many
others respect that decision of yours. Yet you are consistently making
sexual passes at someone whom you claim is just your 'best friend'.
EVERYONE knows you are gay - or Bi Craig. Most people don't give a fuck
what you are, we've all got better things to be thinking about than
whether you want to be with a guy or a girl.
However, your behaviour to
Anthony crossed the line a few weeks ago. It is now beyond basic
harassment, it is now into the 'stalker/slasher' style of 'I like him, and
he will be mine' mentality. Asking someone over and over again to take off
their shorts, or to kiss them, or to hug them, or to suck
'something'....night after night, after night....its beyond 'friendship'
Craig. Surely you realise it, or maybe you really do believe that Anthony
is just your 'friend'? We all see how much you want to get your hands into
his shorts, and we all see how you revert to Kinga/Orlaith when Anthony
rebukes your passes. We saw last night how Anthony rejected you again in
the pool, and then you went off to play with Kinga. In some ways, you are
quite spiteful in how you try to hurt the one you fancy so much.
So, you think you are well
liked by the viewers? Err, no. Few of us actually like you anymore Craig.
We've been amused at how you've changed alliances over the last 10 weeks.
One week you love Vanessa, the next she is your nemesis. In've
as much chance of winning BB6 as Mary currently does. D'ya get me Craig?
You need to ground yourself in reality for a little while, and realise
that your perception of events in the house is far from accurate.
You are so lucky to have had Anthony as your friend, yet you've treated
him like shit over the past few weeks, and especially during the last few
nights. How can you be so rude to your supposed friend, after all he has
done, and tolerated from you? If you'd done just 1% in the real world of
what you've recently inflicted upon Anthony, you would have got your ass
Ohh, you say that "100,000 pounds means nothing to you". Huh? What the
hell is that comment about? Do you realise that is more money than most
people earn in 4 or 5 years, and you're telling us its nothing to you?
You've been whining to 'Anfeenee' that he doesn't understand what the 'win
would mean for you'. Are you trying to pull a Nadia "I feel accepted"
strategy, if you're screwed when it comes to winning, because we
aren't falling for that from you.
Craig, go get some professional help. You never know, you might even come
to realise why the public couldn't stand your false friends Lesley,
Vanessa, Saskia, and Maxwell. At the end of the day, - and I'm one million
percent sure about this, I'm right, and you're delusional. End of.

Craig: claims he doesn't fancy Anthony
Makosi - Queen of Delusion?
Is she the best game player
Big Brother has ever seen, or is she mentally 'not quite all there'? She
has been the centre piece of C4's flagship show this summer. Everyone
knows Makosi, many don't like her, but you got to admit she is the centre
of the house in many ways. From the moment she got her secret mission on
the first night, to her involvement in the secret garden, Makosi is the
leading character of BB6.
She claims to be a new age/born again Christian. WTF? She has done some of
the most overt sexual things seen on UK TV in quite a while, is this what
the Christian church are now preaching? Has she even been to church ever?
If so, then what the hell is her behaviour all about? She claims to be a
good church attendee, only to then later that evening rub her nipples, and
then have slimy Craig suck on them. Who is Makosi? Have we seen any of the
'real Makosi'? Is her name even Makosi?
The endless lies, about being pregnant, 10 housemates in the secret
garden, and numerous other little things have really driven her against
the viewing public who want a 'morally good' winner this year. If I had to
decide, I'd say that Makosi is losing her mind, due to the immense stress
she feels under. As others have said, it appears that Makosi actually
believes many of the things she says. Bless, hopefully she'll get some
support once she leaves the house.
As for that weave of hers, lol, Such a shame that BB refused to provide
her with a hairdryer. Poor Makosi.
Derek - twisted and
What the hell is up with Derek? He has barely done or said anything to
anyone for the last few weeks. Many can't stand that accent of his, yet
its way more than that. Some are aware of the various little things that
have been alluded to. It is clear that Derek is somewhat quite unlike your
'ordinary housemate'. He has a watch, he was chauffer driven to the
auditions, he has clearly been favoured by Big Brother on a number of
occasions - something even the other housemates have noticed.
Does Derek actually believe he can win? He probably does, yet thankfully
he won't win, he'll quietly fade away, and most of us won't remember him
by the Autumn.
Eugene - not as funny as he thinks
I'm not sure whether he is making his endless anecdotes up to cover his
fear of being around such bizarre people, or whether he is like this in
normal life. How many days, or weeks could you handle living with this
guy? How many impressions of Alan Partridge can you bear, before you reach
for the nearest heavy object?
Eugene could well be one of the most innocent housemates in BB history.
How much of the previous shows he has seen remains unclear. From how he
acts though, he has surely seen very little, otherwise why would he be
playing this role - or acting in this 'Mr dull' style for TV viewers? If
he does think he is as funny as it appears....I'm still not sure whether
to pity the guy or just laugh out loud.

Eugene: not entirely riveting viewing
Housemate Assessments - the past week
Ψ Anthony: Mr Bland is doing well, considering the sexual
harassment he is continually under. I hereby award Anthony the 'Medal of
Tolerance' - in respect to the admirable way he has handled Craig's
relentless sexual wants.
All things considered,
Anthony deserves the prize 'if' you believe in a 'just' winner. He
certainly hasn't done as much as Makosi, but he is arguably the moral
superior to her.
Ψ Craig: The slimy
delusional little runt is still in the house, and yet again is not up for
the public vote. Whether you like this young guy (do you think some people
will have posters of him on their bedroom walls?), or despite him more
than Bin Laden, Craig is doing good work. He is perhaps the most unlikely
survivor to the final week since Jade BB3 or Jason BB5. In many ways,
Craig is worse than the negative sides of those two characters put
He has tried so hard to survive, and indeed will last until final night.
You have got to credit him for that achievement.
Ψ Derek: The dark deceiver is in trouble. His isolationist policy
from the group - aside from Eugene, has utterly backfired. He is now up
for the boot, and it is no ones fault but his that he might now get kicked
out in the penultimate week. If he can manage to survive against his last
house ally - Eugene, then he would probably make it to third place.
Ψ Eugene: Mr Anecdote
is not making for great TV is he? I admit, it was good to have Eugene
enter the house way back in week 5', but the novelty has long worn off. He
is simply not entertaining, even less so than Anthony. If the public have
any sense they'll kick the newbie out, but eviction results have been
crazy this year, so it would not be surprising to see Eugene remain.
Ψ Kinga: I certainly didn't expect I'd ever be writing about her
again. Four days of her seemed all we'd ever get, its funny how things
worked out for her in the end, almost as if C4/Endemol had it all planned
out from the start ;) She is feisty, has a great sense of humour, and
should have been in the house since Day'1. As things are, if Anthony does
not win, I can only hope Kinga has a 'chance' to win.
Ψ Makosi: The Dark Destroyer, she remains the Queen of the house.
The fact that Kinga - the very person she kicked out of the secret garden
is back, must surely have unsettled her. Despite all those initial 'ohh I
love you!', I am not fooled by it. Makosi now has a female rival for the
prize. It would seem likely she'll turn against Kinga soon enough, and
then the issue will be whether Kinga has the strength to bitch slap Makosi
(verbally at least) to the ground.

The Dark Destroyer - cruising to final night
Group Dynamics - Day 62-67
With Kemal getting the
unexpected boot, and then Orlaith walking...things have changed more than
I had expected last week
Kinga's arrival is a very positive move on the part of C4/Endemol.
However, as was seen on Monday night, with just 5 other housemates - two
of which are effectively mute (Derek & Eugene, both of whom go to bed at
11pm), Kinga has very little option but to focus on Anthony, Craig, and
Makosi for 'fun'. Makosi doesn't appear entirely happy with Kinga's
reappearance. She is probably paranoid that Kinga knows all about her from
the media, and is on a personal mission to pay back Makosi for not
choosing her.
Current Alliances:
1. Duvet Plotters: Derek and Eugene
2. Gollum and Precious: Craig and Anthony
3. other housemates (arguably independent) : Kinga, Makosi

further points of note:
-Makosi is looking very vulnerable, although saying that...only 2 of the 5
nominated her.
-the pairing of Anthony and Craig remains a very strong alliance, despite
the fact they are targets
-Kinga, against all odds, the semi-newbie is set to make final night.
-Derek and Eugene's mini-alliance has failed to hold, and their
isolationist policy was bound to fail
In summary
With a mere six housemates left, and ten days to go, the group is more
open. Kinga has introduced more fun into what was set to be a graveyard
style ending to the show. Anthony and Craig have been the most successful
pair this series, and both deserve to make it to the final night - and
whether you like them or not, they have held together as a 'couple' ;), no
matter what.
With no more nominations, who is looking best to win? In many ways, the
more 'independent housemates, are the ones better set to differentiate
themselves from the wallpaper housemates. So, Anthony has a problem in
that he is still tied so closed to Craig. From a group position standpoint
- Makosi and Kinga look like the ones leading the challenge to win BB6.
Nominations: Round'10
It is presumably the last round of nominations, and thus BB have decided
to tinker with them for old times sake. All Kinga has to do was make sure
1 of the 5 other housemates didn't vote for her - and that seemed highly
likely. Any votes to Kinga were thus wasted votes, and this in fact gave
Kinga a semi-casting vote on who was up for this week.
Derek, Eugene: 3
Anthony, Craig, Makosi: 2
Kinga 0 - and thus conclusively passed her task.
So, Derek and Eugene are up for the boot. Just a thought, if only there
was one less vote for Derek/Eugene (placed onto Kinga), then we could have
had 5 up for the boot. Oh well, that's it for nominations this series!

Just six remain, all to be booted within the next 240 hours
Looking ahead
With just ten days to go, BB6 is fast winding up to its finale. There will
doubtless be some kind of mid-week eviction next week - unless of course
BB decides to play the 'twelfth week' option that I recently touted. How
will things play out? If Eugene goes, then Derek will probably reach the
final 3, he'll surely get more 'to win' votes than slimy Craig. If Derek
goes, then Eugene will be the one to get kicked next Wednesday. Who could
possibly wish to make the effort to vote for Eugene to win (besides his
family of course)?
The public have been damn
freaky in voting this year, kicking out Mary, Roberto, Science, and Kemal.
These were dynamic and interesting characters, yet the voters simply
didn't value them. In a way, its really quite sad how things panned out,
but not surprising. The question now is whether votes will value Eugene
more than Derek terms of entertainment value.
Last week I was yet again
incorrect with my eviction prediction. I was now going to suggest that
Derek might get kicked, but frankly...I don't have a bloody clue anymore.
Who knows what the hell the voters are going to do next? Derek has had a
good run in the house, having survived 4 previous public votes. Eugene
remains a very bizarre eccentric housemate, one who appears to offer
nothing in the final week for viewers. I really hope Eugene gets kicked,
but I won't be holding my breath this Friday.
In any case, enjoy the next
eviction.....if Derek does get booted, the upside is that he'll be on BBLB
for 4 days, otherwise Eugene will be getting a rather large amount of
airtime, which would obviously be dull dull dull.
Calrissian : wanting Anthony
or Kinga to win - anything to piss off Craig or Makosi ;)
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Originally Published 2/8/2005 © 2005
Philip Calrissian
Last Updated :