Booting the Newbies
Newbies are never particularly liked by the public,
Eugene and Orlaith have lasted longer than any previous house newcomers,
yet it remains unlikely that either will win this years Big Brother.
Orlaith was damn lucky to survive against Science, were she to have faced
any other housemate, she'd probably have got the boot. With BB deciding to
reverse nominations into a 'nominate two housemates to save', we are
facing Kemal vs Orlaith. Surely the UK public will kick out the fake
blonde over a guy who has been one of the leading characters this series?
Or might Kemal's recent explicit sex talk be too much for viewers, and be
his downfall?

Science - sadly lost 49.5% to 50.5%
The past week
Science gets kicked
Damn it. Orlaith survives by just haft a percent. It doesn't get much
closer than that, and Science's fans must be devastated by the news the
fake blonde managed to pull off such a victory. Yet Science has no one to
blame but himself. Endless ranting since virtually the very first night,
he has annoyed just about everyone at some point both inside and outside
the house. When it comes to mindless and utterly pointless
arguing...Science was king of Rants. Farewell Science.
Quietening down, but still bitchy
With Science gone, the house did seem quieter this past weekend. Yet the
housemates are still bitching, in particular Derek has been in top form
lately, leading a one man crusade against Orlaith. With just over two
weeks to go, the house is still a relatively untrustworthy and moody place
to be.
House of Love
BB has done a few things lately to try to bring the housemates together as
a group. Whether it was pass the parcel, or giving the house some luxuries
-even though they once again failed the most recent weekly task, BB has
taken a few steps to liven the group up and bring some 'love to the
house'. It hasn't really worked, has it?
The introduction of a kitten is surely the nicest thing to enter this
years house. An innocent little precious, full of curiosity, full of
playful fun....if only some of this years housemates could have been as
playful as this little loveable thing. Were there an option to vote for
the cat this year, rather than any of the you think the
cat would stand a good chance of winning? I'd sure vote for the kitten,
wouldn't you?

Cute Kitten - the most honourable life-form to enter the BB6 house
Housemate Assessments - the past week
Ψ Anthony: Mr Bland....seems to be on a relentless easy cruise to
victory. The bookies generally think he'll win, as do most other
commentators. His only downfall so far has been his pool antics with
Makosi, and his closeness with his clingy 'gollum-like' Craig. For a safe
bet, Anthony seems the most likely to win. The only issue is will Anthony
be another 'Stuart, BB5'? Stuart seemed set to make the final night, and
yet managed only a pitiful number of votes.
Does Anthony has the charisma
to capture the public's passion, and get people to vote for him? This is
Anthony's problem, he simply comes across as a bit bland. I'm sure he is a
nice guy in person, yet on screen he appears a bit dull. He has managed to
survive to week 10, he'll surely make the last night.
Ψ Craig: The slimy
bugger has cried more this past week than all of the housemates from the
previous 5 BB series combined. It has become a regular moment on the
highlights show, Craig making endless advances to Anthony, who then
rejects him...with Craig then boo hooing. The only difference is the place
in the house where the vile hairdresser cries.
The little vile man is
finally getting some payback for his previous contempt against some of the
more respectable housemates, and for that we can thankful. Craig can't
win, the only question is whether he can pull off a 'Jade Goody'
turnaround, and get cheers on final night - assuming he last that long.
Ψ Derek: Endless bitching, more lies, more deceit...what a nasty
bugger this contestant is. To think that some viewers are still supportive
of him is somewhat disturbing. I have very little more than contempt for
the man, he has never been positive about any of his fellow housemates. He
continues to kiss Eugene's ass, and has continued to try to rope Kemal
into voting against Makosi or Orlaith.
Surely the Dark Deceiver can't win?

The Dark Deceiver...still bitching
Ψ Eugene: Dull. Still
dull, and will be dull next week. Do we need someone like this in the
house? He has been a good 'balancing character' in the house. He is one of
the few to actually create real conversations in the house, and left to
it...can talk endlessly for hours about just about anything. Even so, he
ain't 'fun' to watch, I hope he gets kicked next week - but I am not
hopeful of it !
Ψ Kemal: I'm really hoping Kemal can survive to the final night. He
has been an interesting character - far more than many of the others.
Sure, he has been an utter bitch at times - especially with his endless
night talks with Makosi, yet he has distanced himself from her now...and
Kemal is perhaps starting to settle in for the final 2 weeks.
Can he win? I still think he comes across as too similar to Nadia' BB5.
C4/Endemol probably want their 'ethnic winner' this year - Makosi, and so
Kemal is going to face a stark uphill battle.
Ψ Makosi: Her utter despair at last weeks dog task was very freaky
viewing. Just what the hell was all that about? Is she really just playing
the drama queen role, or is she in fact even more unstable than some have
claimed her to be?
Makosi has remained the most dominant part of BB6 - and in that respect
deserves to win, yet her utter bitchiness, her lies (even about 10
housemates in the secret garden), would make her an unjust winner in my
view. I hope she doesn't win, I'd rather bland man Anthony win, but a lot
of people may well 'come around' to support her on final night.

Makosi - appropriately on Derek's Leash
Ψ Orlaith: The fake
blonde managed a surprising win against many people's favourite - Science.
The fact she won with just 0.5% made it one of the bloody luckiest
survivals in BB history. This is an extra week in the house that she
doesn't deserve. She pledged to 'do nothing, other than sit in the garden
in her bikini'. Sigh. Clearly, she has nothing else to offer the viewers,
let us hope that the public boot her this Friday. Surely she can't survive
against a more powerful character like Kemal?
Group Dynamics - Day 55-61
With Science kicked out, the house is certainly quieter. Orlaith appears
as though she is now distancing herself from the group The 'Duvet
Plotters' are a weird threesome, they are a loosely formed social group.
Derek and Eugene are certainly both on the same level of communication,
and having left Makosi, Kemal has found some low level connection to
Derek. We can say one thing for sure, Derek has done remarkably well
lately. Despite Science 'outing him' as the Dark Deceiver to the rest of
the housemates some time back, Derek continues to survive against all
Current Alliances:
1. Duvet Plotters: Derek, Kemal, and Eugene
2. Club Loaded (the remnants): Anthony and Craig
3. other housemates : Makosi, Orlaith

further points of note:
-Makosi has never been more alone in the group. She has no protective
allies in the group.
-Derek is now the most secure housemate, with both Eugene and Kemal
covering him
-Anthony and Craig are still looking secure, despite all the tears, and
daily rifts
-Orlaith stands out as relatively alone in the group, although Craig voted
for her to stay at least ;)
In summary
With BB messing around with nominations (again, sigh) a few housemates
should count themselves damn lucky not to be up for the public boot -
especially Ms. Makosi. After almost 9 full weeks of the show, we've seen
some massive changes, Makosi has lost her entire alliance of friends,
alienated her best pal Kemal. The most successful housemates in the house
this year are arguably Anthony and Craig. Together the pair of them have
been strong, and unlike Kemal/Makosi, they don't look like they'll stab
each other in the back !
Nominations: Round'9
Once again BB tinkers with nominations, and this time reversed the voting
style to one of 'nominate two housemates to save'. Hmm. I suppose it at
least means all that endless bitching by Derek who has been trying to
convince certain housemates whom best to vote for, has all been in vain.
Craig, Anthony: 3 votes each
Derek, Eugene, Makosi: 2
Orlaith, Kemal: 1 - with both of them being up for the boot.

Orlaith: still wanting to walk?
Looking ahead
Last weeks eviction vote was - as Ms. Davina would say 'ohh so close', and
indeed it was a major shock that Science just failed to survive. Oh well,
time to move on. Can Orlaith survive yet again, even against one of the
major characters like Kemal? If I had to guess, I'd say she'll probably
get kicked. She only just survived against Science, who was - lets be
honest, nothing less than a really rowdy endlessly argumentative moody
bugger. So, against Kemal - whom is clearly calmer and more popular.
surely she will go? Yet Kemal's recent sex talk has already annoyed and
upset a fair few viewers.
As a long time fan of the show I have nothing against a newbie winning,
yet neither Eugene or Orlaith have done much to justify my effort to vote
for them. Eugene will quietly fade away, and Orlaith will end up with a
little more exposure in a few magazines wearing very little. Hopefully the
majority of the public will similarly give them both the boot sooner
rather than later.
One final thing. Are there
any further surprises to come this series? The 'shattered theme' which was
rumoured across the net has seemingly come to nothing. The issue of
whether the show might be longer than expected could still be one late
surprise. By this weekend there will be six housemates left. If just one
goes next Friday, that leaves 5 for the final week - as was the case last
year. Are we to expect a final week midweek eviction....or might C4/Endemol
throw the biggest stunt of all on the housemates...and stick an extra week
on the show? Can you imagine it, five housemates are there on day'78..but
only one housemate gets evicted. If only.
Calrissian : wishing for a
twelfth week
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Originally Published 26/7/2005 © 2005
Philip Calrissian
Last Updated :